Saturday, December 28, 2019
Lung Cancer The Most Deadly Types Of Cancer - 1621 Words
Lung Cancer is one of the most deadly types of cancer. ?Lung cancer kills more Americans than the next five cancers combined? (Jameson). Lung cancer can be caused by smoking, second hand smoke, pollution, and chemicals. ?Some symptoms of lung cancer may be someone who has a cough that doesn?t go away or gets worse, chest pain that is often worse with deep breathing or coughing or laughing, hoarseness, weight loss and loss of appetite, coughing up blood or rust- colored spit, shortness of breath, felling tired or weak, infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia that don?t go away or keep coming back, new onset of wheezing, and often showing no symptoms until it?s too late? (Ungar). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a risk factor for developing lung cancer, and have a poor chance of treatment after having lung cancer. People don?t know cancer can kill them. There four stages of lung cancer one through four. . The four stages of lung cancer are in stage one the cancer is only in the lungs and nowhere else yet. In stage two the cancer is in the lungs and is moving nearby the lymph nodes. The third stage of lung cancer has spread to the middle of the chest. In the last and final stage of cancer is the worse of them all it has went into both lungs and fluid around the lung or to other parts of the body such as organs or liver Most consumers have the beliefs that more screenings result in many false positives, which can lead to unnecessary worry, moreShow MoreRelatedLung Cancer : The Deadliest Form Of Cancer Essay1183 Words  | 5 PagesLung cancer is the deadliest form of cancer in the United States. It kills more men and women than a number of cancers combined. The disease has many risk factors that affect the chances of obtaining it. The leading risk factor is one that can be avoided, that is smoking. This paper will look at methods to find, diagnose and treat lung cancer. It will show ways to reduce chances of getting lung cancer and also look at preventive methods used. Description of Lung Cancer Lung cancerRead MoreTypes Of Treatment For Cancer1685 Words  | 7 PagesCancer is a name given to a lot of diseases that combine together, that might cause death, tumors, and long days of treatment. Some of the cells then separate and spread into the tissues without stopping. Cancer can start anywhere in the body, the human body has trillions of cells, and when cells grow they get replaced with new ones. But when cancer starts the process of replacing old cells with new ones stops. When the cells get damaged or grow old new cells grow, but sometimes the cells aren’tRead MoreCancer Throughout History Essay896 Words  | 4 PagesCancer in Canada and Cancer Research Throughout History Cancer is one of the world’s most dangerous and deadly diseases diseases, and with the rate of diagnosis in Canada on the rise, and with new discoveries coming out every year, Cancer could soon be cured. Here is a look at cancer in Canada, the research of scientists throughout history. Cancer, by definition, is a cell or group of cells that proliferates uncontrolled. The change in genetic material causes the cell to act strangely, an exampleRead MoreLung cancer is one of the most common types of cancers in the world. There are three main types of700 Words  | 3 Pages Lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancers in the world. There are three main types of lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, small cell lung cancer, and lung carcinoid tumor. Just like any other cancer, lung cancer is dangerous, and a life threatening problem. Many studies and researches have been presented to find a cure, but an exact cure has yet to be found. There are however multiple causes, ways to diagnose, and treatments for lung cancer. When you think of lung cancer, youRead MoreLung Cancer in Humans and the Rat Respiratory Systems870 Words  | 4 PagesRylee Coder Biology period 4 May 19, 2013 Lung Cancer in Humans and the Rat Respiratory System The human respiratory system is very similar, if not practically identical, to the respiratory system of a rat. The only notable difference is the division of the lobes in human lungs. The left lung of a rat is composed of 1 lobe, while the right lung has 4 lobes. The right lung of a human contains 3 lobes and the left lung is composed of 2 lobes. Other than that (and some structural differences alongRead MoreCancer : A Type Of Disease1203 Words  | 5 PagesResearch Paper: Cancer Cancer, is a type of disease that involves abnormal cell growth and has the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. Not all tumors are cancerous, there is one type that is not cancerous; benign tumors (which do not spread to other parts of the body). Possible signs and symptoms include: a distinct lump, a lengthened cough, irregular bleeding, unexplained weight loss, a difference in bowel movements, and many others. While these symptoms may cause cancer, they mayRead More lung cancer Essay1459 Words  | 6 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lung cancer is the most common cancer-related cause of death among men and women. Lung cancer can be undetected for many years causing it to become more dangerous and possibly fatal. There is not cure for lung cancer or any cancer, but if detected in an early stage the lung cancer can be detected, treated, and hopefully terminated. There are many new and developing treatments being tested now that may save lives in the future. Thr ough understanding what the lung cancer is, doctors canRead MoreLung Cancer Term Paper1559 Words  | 7 PagesLung Cancer Week 6 Term Paper for Professor Inglis Kelvin Samuels Introduction My topic for this term paper will be lung cancer. This topic was chosen because I have pass family whove lost their lives to lung cancer. I believe the best way to start is by defining the disease. We will then take a glance at statistics and risk factors for lung cancer. Next will look at lung cancer symptoms, staging and treatment, and finally I will draw my final conclusion. I. What is Lung Cancer? A simple andRead MoreCancer And The Second Point1432 Words  | 6 PagesSince the beginning of time cancer has had a major impact on the world, from your love ones or your self slowly dying from it. What is Cancer, where did it come from, how did we as humans get it? Who does it affect? Are there different types of cancer? Can I get cancer? These are just some questions that can go through a persons mind just thinking about cancer or seeing it in the media. The Definition of cancer is a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the bodyRead MoreCancer : The Master Of Disguise Essay1122 Words  | 5 PagesCancer: The Master of Disguise Cancer, the second leading cause of death in the United States. It claims thousands of lives every day. From young to old, cancer does not discriminate by age, sex, race nor religion. By definition, cancer is abnormal multiplication of cells that spreads into surrounding tissues. It can also start anywhere in the human body. Most cancers actually start as tumors, which is a tissue mass that serves no purpose. Some people have no symptoms, and they usually do not find
Friday, December 20, 2019
Realistic Dual Natures in Louisa May Alcotts Little...
Realistic Dual Natures in Alcott’s Little Women â€Å"Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual#8242;s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is†- Carl Jung Each of us has the capacity for virtue or vice, and our daily actions reflect the combination of both. In literature, however, people are sometimes depicted as being completely one or the other, giving us inaccurate views of human nature. We identify better with characters who are more like us--neither completely good nor bad. Meg, Jo and Amy March in Alcott’s Little Women do not flatly portray complete good or complete evil, but their realistic dual natures increase their believability and intensify their moral influence on us.†¦show more content†¦We can’t do much, but we can make little sacrifices, and ought to do it gladly†(LW 1). If Meg were to finish her comments there, we would praise her admiral desire to sacrifice her own happiness. However, Meg does not end her discourse with these kind words. She continues revealing a darker side to her character. Meg proceeds, â€Å"‘But I am afraid I don’t [do it gladly]â€⠄¢; and Meg shook her head, and she thought regretfully of all the pretty things she wanted†(LW 2). A glimmer into the negative side of Meg portrays a real character. A realness of self that we, as readers, are able to relate. Further evidence of the negativity and conceit inherent in Meg’s character manifests in her attendance at Vanity Fair. Meg receives an opportunity to attend a party at Vanity Fair. While attending for the weekend, Meg entangles herself in the desire to please. Her vanity builds as the other girls present wish to dress Meg in more fitting and stylish clothing. Margaret feels honor by what she perceives as flattery, and allows herself to be a part of the masquerade. Perhaps the most eloquent description of the affair comes from another guest at the party as he describes Meg’s appearance. â€Å"They are making a fool of that little girl; I wanted you to see her, but they have spoilt her entirely; she’s nothing but a dollShow MoreRelatedChildrens Literature13219 Words  | 53 PagesRenaissance [1500-1650 CE] 32 The 17th Century 34 The 18th and Early 19th Centuries 35 The Victorians: The Golden Age 36 Twentieth Century: Widening Worlds 38 9. Bibliography 38 1. Introduction In 1817 Robert Bloomfield, author of The History of Little Davy’s New Hat, wrote: ‘The longer I live †¦ the more I am convinced of the importance of children’s books.’ That similar statements are still being made two hundred years later shows us how much children’s books have always had to prove in England
Thursday, December 12, 2019
The Play Ground free essay sample
The Playground Childhood experiences have long lasting effects on boys. As men we sometimes fail to see our boyish ways but to women our boyish ways are a lack of maturity. In John Katz’s essay, â€Å"How Boys Become Men†, use of implied audience and structure as well as the basis of tone and evidence is as follows. Katz targeted audience is both men and women. In paragraph four he states, â€Å"Women tend to see men as a giant problem in need of solution. †He is imploring women, in this sentence, that he understands how women view men. That he knows they see men as distant. In the next sentence he turns his attention to his male readers. â€Å"They tell us that we are remote and uncommunicative, that we need to demonstrate less machismo and more commitment, more humanity. Here John Katz is speaking to the brotherhood of men by the use of the words: us, we, and they. We will write a custom essay sample on The Play Ground or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The structure of this essay is illustration by bringing a clearer understanding of boys and their journeys’ to becoming men. â€Å"It’s a macho marathon from third grade up, when you start butting each other in the stomach. Here, Katz provides an opinion of an adult friend speaking on this issue of boys becoming men and how those boyhood moment last a life time. John Katz uses an informative approach by telling women and reminding men of what boys struggle with and how it affects their growth into manhood. â€Å"I know lots of men who had happy childhoods, but none who have had happy memories of the way other boys treated them. †It is from this statement from a friend of his that Katz uses to illustrate the childhood memories men face. From these early childhood experiences alliances are forged and codes are formed. The evidence that Katz uses to back up the code of conduct is from personal experience. â€Å"I was as ashamed for telling as I was frightened. †From personal experience Katz is stating that within the code fear is acceptable but telling is a rat. In conclusion Katz clearly uses this essay to inform women and remind men. The tone that Katz uses is backed up by personal experiences, opinions, and illustrations. He invokes women to be patient and gives men a different view of how they are seen.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Aids (1426 words) Essay Example For Students
Aids (1426 words) Essay AidsAids by sean rossHow is HIV Diagnosed?You can get tested for HIV in a number of locations including public clinics, AIDS organizations, physicians offices, and hospitals. Many locations give the test for free. You can choose between anonymous tests, in which you do not give your name to the HealthCare provider, or confidential tests, in which you do give your name. Test sites should provide trained counselors who can offer you support and guidance, no matter what the test result.(Balch-97)An HIV test looks for the antibodies your immune system creates in response to the virus. These antibodies may not appear in your blood until three to six months after HIV infection. Therefore, a negative test for HIV does not necessarily mean you arent infected. Thats why if you are at risk for HIV infection you should get tested periodically in addition to practicing safer sex at all times. T-cell countsIf you test HIV-positive, you should have frequent blood tests to determine the levels of healthy T cells. These cell counts help indicate how quickly the infection is progressing and which course of treatment is best. Normal T-cell count is 800 to 1,300 cells per cubic millimeter of blood. In the firstfew months after HIV infection, T-cells may decrease to 400 to 650. As infection progresses, T cells drop to a second level of 200 to 499. At this stage you can expect to have late symptoms, although this too is variable. The most life-threatening AIDS illnesses happen when T-cell levels fall below 200.(Berkow-97)Early SymptomsOnce HIV enters your body through semen, vaginal secretions, blood, or human breast milk it generally takes a month or two before creating symptoms, if any (not everyone has symptoms at this stage). These initial symptoms are similar to the flu and can last three to 14 days: -Fever-Chills-Night sweats -Skin rashes-Headache-Malaise-Swollen lymph nod es (immune system organseasily felt in the neck and groin)-General discomfort(Hurst-96)Within the several months following HIV infection, you may have repeated episodes of these flu-like symptoms. After that, an average period of five to seven years will pass without another sign of HIV infection though that delay can range from a few months to more than 10 years. However, even when you dont have symptoms, the virus is still multiplying in your body, and you can spread it to other people.(Tierny-98)Later symptoms (months to years before onset of AIDS)Symptoms may include: -Fatigue-Mild weight loss-Frequent fevers and sweats-Swollen lymph glands-Persistent yeast infections-Persistent skin rashes-Pelvic inflammatory disease that does not-respond to treatment-Short term memory loss-Frequent and severe herpes infectionscausing mouth, genital or anal sores-Painful nerve disease (shingles)At this stage, you may have other disorders resulting from HIV infection: severe dermatitis, persona lity changes, intellectual impairment, peripheral neuritis (inflammation of one or more peripheral nerves), pneumonia, myocarditis (inflammation of the middle muscular layer of the heart wall), nephritis (kidney inflammation), and arthritis. (Taylor-98)AIDSAs chronic HIV progresses, the immune system grows weaker and weaker until it can no longer prevent diseases and/or opportunistic infections those that would not usually happen in a person with a normal immune system). These include: Pneumonia caused by Pneumocystis carinii HIV infection of the brain (encephalitis with dementia) Toxoplasmosis of the brain (a protozoan infection) Cryptococcosis infection (a fungal infection) HIV wasting syndrome (chronically active HIV infection) Candida (yeast infections of the vagina, mouth, esophagus, trachea, bronchial tubes, or lungs) Kaposis sarcoma (a form of skin cancer) Tuberculosis and related infections Cryptosporidiosis infection of the intestine (a protozoan infection) Herpes simplex v irus infections of mouth, esophagus, and lungs Lymphoma (a cancer of the immune system) Cytomegalovirus infections of the retina and other organs(HIV That May Be Mistaken for HIV and AIDSHIV and AIDS may involve virtually every organ in the body. Therefore, many conditions can be mistaken for HIV/AIDS, including: Cancer, especially lymphoma (causing malnutrition or weight loss) Senile dementia Gastrointestinal infection (especially parasitic) Colitis Inflammatory bowel disease Depression. .u45dce77fe1d24af996fd67032f81fc00 , .u45dce77fe1d24af996fd67032f81fc00 .postImageUrl , .u45dce77fe1d24af996fd67032f81fc00 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u45dce77fe1d24af996fd67032f81fc00 , .u45dce77fe1d24af996fd67032f81fc00:hover , .u45dce77fe1d24af996fd67032f81fc00:visited , .u45dce77fe1d24af996fd67032f81fc00:active { border:0!important; } .u45dce77fe1d24af996fd67032f81fc00 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u45dce77fe1d24af996fd67032f81fc00 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u45dce77fe1d24af996fd67032f81fc00:active , .u45dce77fe1d24af996fd67032f81fc00:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u45dce77fe1d24af996fd67032f81fc00 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u45dce77fe1d24af996fd67032f81fc00 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u45dce77fe1d24af996fd67032f81fc00 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u45dce77fe1d24af996fd67032f81fc00 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u45dce77fe1d24af996fd67032f81fc00:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u45dce77fe1d24af996fd67032f81fc00 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u45dce77fe1d24af996fd67032f81fc00 .u45dce77fe1d24af996fd67032f81fc00-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u45dce77fe1d24af996fd67032f81fc00:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Mayan EssayCauses The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causes AIDS. HIV not only attacks and destroys the white blood cells that are key to fighting infection (T4 or helper T cells), it actually uses the T cells genetic material to multiply itself. Eventually, HIV cripples the immune system, making the infected person vulnerable to multiple infections, diseases, and nervous system problems. One of the reasons AIDS is such a fatal disease is that HIV is an extremely resistant virus, mutating constantly to survive the immune systems attacks.(San Fransisco Aids found.)Theoretical CausesThere are very rare cases of transmission among family members living together with no id entifiable source of transmission. No one knows the cause of transmission in these few rare cases.(Gay mens health crisis center)How is HIV Transmitted?Unprotected sex,Sharing of hypodermic needles for injection,drug useFrom an HIV-infected mother to her baby,especially as the baby passes through the birth canal (the baby has a 25-30% chance of being HIV positive if not treated duringpregnancy),Human breast milkAccidental needle sticks, which are a risk among HealthCare workers (about a one in 300 chance),Blood transfusion and coagulation products (although this is very rare, with the modern blood-screening systems in use since 1985)(Bennet-96)Treatment No one knows how to cure HIV or AIDS. However, there are many therapies, both conventional and alternative, that effectively prolong and enhance the quality of the lives of people with HIV and AIDS. The goals of treatment are to: Slow the replication rate of HIV Prevent and treat opportunistic infections Relieve symptoms and generall y improve quality of life.(Noble-96)Treatment overviewIf you have HIV/AIDS, the standard of care in the United States is to provide you conventional drug therapies, especially if your T-cell count has fallen below 500. You will take most HIV/AIDS drugs in combination, to most effectively reduce viral blood levels, increase helper T-cell counts, and decrease the AIDS death rate. Because combinations of HIV/AIDS drugs are as important as the individual drugs themselves, it is extremely important that you stick to your medication regimen: Take drugs at exactly the prescribed times of dayNever skip dosesNever skip drugsFor surveillance and routine management, you wont need to stay in the hospital. Some more severe complications will require a hospital stay. Drug TherapyAnti-HIV drug therapy attacks HIV at various stages of its life cycle. Although the drugs have improved the side effects, including nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea and abnormal body fat redistribution.(Hardman-96)Bibliog raphyAmerican Foundation for AIDS Research120 Wall Street, Thirteenth FloorNew York, NY 10005Phone: 212-806-1600 Fax: 212-806-1601The Body An AIDS and HIV Information ResourceCenters for Disease ControlNational Prevention Information NetworkP.O. Box 6003Rockville, MD 20849Phone: 800-458-5231International: 301-562-1098TTY: 800-243-7012Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation2950 31st Street, Suite 125Santa Monica, CA 90405Phone: 310-314-1459 Fax: 31-314-1469Email: Gay Mens Health Crisis119 West 24th Street, 6th Floor New York, NY 10011 Phone: 212-807-6655 TTY: 212-645-7470Fax: 212-337-3656HIV Anonymous Testing CounselingHoward Brown Health Center 4025 N. Sheridan Road Chicago, IL 60613Phone: 773-388-1600HIV Insite Gateway to AIDS KnowledgeUniversity of California, San FranciscoHIV Positive.comCenters for Disease Control National HIV/AIDSHotline800-342-AIDS (2437)San Francisco AIDS FoundationP.O. Box 426182 San Francisco, CA 94142-6182AIDS Hotline: 800-367-AIDS (2437) (toll-free in Calif.)Phone: (415) 487-3000Email: BooksBalch, James F. and Balch, Phyllis A. Prescriptionfor Nutritional Healing Garden City Park, NY: AveryPublishing, 1997. Bennett, J. Claude and Plum, Fred. Cecil Textbookof Medicine, eds. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders,1996. Berkow, Robert. Merck Manual of MedicalInformation, Home Edition. New Jersey: MerckResearch Laboratories, 1997. .u4a266a2a30227e2c278117dbf933a118 , .u4a266a2a30227e2c278117dbf933a118 .postImageUrl , .u4a266a2a30227e2c278117dbf933a118 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4a266a2a30227e2c278117dbf933a118 , .u4a266a2a30227e2c278117dbf933a118:hover , .u4a266a2a30227e2c278117dbf933a118:visited , .u4a266a2a30227e2c278117dbf933a118:active { border:0!important; } .u4a266a2a30227e2c278117dbf933a118 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4a266a2a30227e2c278117dbf933a118 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4a266a2a30227e2c278117dbf933a118:active , .u4a266a2a30227e2c278117dbf933a118:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4a266a2a30227e2c278117dbf933a118 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4a266a2a30227e2c278117dbf933a118 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4a266a2a30227e2c278117dbf933a118 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4a266a2a30227e2c278117dbf933a118 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4a266a2a30227e2c278117dbf933a118:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4a266a2a30227e2c278117dbf933a118 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4a266a2a30227e2c278117dbf933a118 .u4a266a2a30227e2c278117dbf933a118-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4a266a2a30227e2c278117dbf933a118:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Kill A Mocking Bird And Prejudice EssayFauci, Anthony J. et. al. Harrisons Principles ofInternal Medicine, eds. New York: McGraw-Hill,1998. Hardman, Joel G. and Limbird, Lee E. Goodman andGilmans The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeuticseds. New York: McGraw Hill, 1996. Hurst, J. Willis. Medicine for the Practicing PhysicianStamford, CT: Appleton Lange 1996. Murray, Michael T. Encyclopedia of NaturalMedicine. Prima, 1998. Noble, John. Primary Care Medicine ed. St. Louis:Mosby, 1996. Physicians Desk Reference. Montvale, NJ: MedicalEconomics Co., 1998. Rakel, Robert E. Conns Current Therapy eds. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1998. Taylor, Robert B. Family Medicine: Principles andPractice. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1998. Tierney, LM, McPhee, SJ, and Papadakis, MA. Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment eds. Stamford, CT: Appleton Lange, 1998.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Synthesis of Divanillin Lab Report Essay Example
Synthesis of Divanillin Lab Report Paper The dimmer bond forms between two carbons that have each lost an electron and have one to share, The dimmer bond does not involve an oxygen, so this is called oxidative demarcation because two identical compounds are bonded at oxidized carbons. 2) Draw resonance structures for the phenotype anion: 3) Why does the dimmer bond form between the #5 Carbons? A. When the hydrogen peroxide reacts with the peroxides, 2 equivalents of a hydroxyl free radical are formed. Those free radicals take a hydrogen (including its electron) from the vanilla molecules, forming phenol free radicals. The cost stable location for the resonating electron on this free radical is on the number 5 carbon (Roth to the phenol). The resonating electrons on each vanilla free radical form a covalent bond, forming the dimmer. 4) Why is this green Chemistry? A. Green Chemistry, simply put, avoids the use and creation of toxins and waste that harms the environment. Green chemistry seeks to stop pollution from chemical production and to use fewer natural resources. This experiment is green chemistry because the reactants used and the products are all non-toxic ND sate tort the environment. In specific, this experiment involves one of the Green Chemistry developments Rye ¶j Noir made in the use of hydrogen peroxide for clean oxidations. The hydrogen peroxide in this experiment does not produce toxic waste like heavy metal oxidants do; it only produces water. We will write a custom essay sample on Synthesis of Divanillin Lab Report specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Synthesis of Divanillin Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Synthesis of Divanillin Lab Report specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on The Washington Connection And Third World Facism
â€Å"The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism†by Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman â€Å"The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism†is an overwhelming work that I found difficult to read at first, but as I got further into the book, I discovered that I was understanding more than I had originally thought. Chomsky and Herman do a great job at dissecting the United States involvement in various third world countries, on all political levels; including, labor unions, the economy, political heads, and local establishments. To me, the most interesting phenomenon in this book is the simple fact that it is dated in some respect, but all the information, theories, and ideas have not changed. I n many cases, I discovered that a lot of the ideas that the author had brought forth, were, for its time, very radical, and sometimes, considered almost idiotic. In actuality, I thought the most insightful portion of the book was the first chapter, in which the authors discussed terrorism and media. The two, at first glance, may not seem to have anything in common, but after thought, you start to realize that they have everything in common. Terrorism, in the dictionary is defined as, the use of force or threats to intimidate. Simple enough to learn, impossible to understand. Terrorism, cannot exist without the media. I speak not of just attacks on the U.S., but of all terroristic acts everywhere. In the same respect, the media, in some circles, cannot exist without the threat of terrorism. They almost have to coexist, which sounds absurd, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized I was headed down the right path. This is not an attack on the media, nor am I empathetic. People need to know what is really going on in the world, not just what cooperate America can squeeze into a thirty minute slot. Personally, I believe tha t, information, is the cause and effect of terroristic activity. In the f... Free Essays on The Washington Connection And Third World Facism Free Essays on The Washington Connection And Third World Facism â€Å"The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism†by Noam Chomsky and Edward S. Herman â€Å"The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism†is an overwhelming work that I found difficult to read at first, but as I got further into the book, I discovered that I was understanding more than I had originally thought. Chomsky and Herman do a great job at dissecting the United States involvement in various third world countries, on all political levels; including, labor unions, the economy, political heads, and local establishments. To me, the most interesting phenomenon in this book is the simple fact that it is dated in some respect, but all the information, theories, and ideas have not changed. I n many cases, I discovered that a lot of the ideas that the author had brought forth, were, for its time, very radical, and sometimes, considered almost idiotic. In actuality, I thought the most insightful portion of the book was the first chapter, in which the authors discussed terrorism and media. The two, at first glance, may not seem to have anything in common, but after thought, you start to realize that they have everything in common. Terrorism, in the dictionary is defined as, the use of force or threats to intimidate. Simple enough to learn, impossible to understand. Terrorism, cannot exist without the media. I speak not of just attacks on the U.S., but of all terroristic acts everywhere. In the same respect, the media, in some circles, cannot exist without the threat of terrorism. They almost have to coexist, which sounds absurd, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized I was headed down the right path. This is not an attack on the media, nor am I empathetic. People need to know what is really going on in the world, not just what cooperate America can squeeze into a thirty minute slot. Personally, I believe tha t, information, is the cause and effect of terroristic activity. In the f...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Bilingual Tesol Classrooms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Bilingual Tesol Classrooms - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the research that expert teachers have a wide-ranging base of experience with which to instruct ESL inclusive classrooms and create classroom environments that show a great degree of cross-pollination with the world outside of the classroom. They are able to teach students concepts that will help them generally as well as having mastered the specific subject materials. Expert TESOL teachers are also better able to relate to students on a level that fosters mutual respect and understanding in creating a learning environment. In their everyday teaching duties, expert teachers show how the subject they are teaching is interrelated to the lives of their students. The existing literature generally supports the notion that there are strategies that the TESOL teacher can use to facilitate the development of ELL in classroom situations, but there are disagreements about how exactly to go about achieving this goal through effective course design in the ELL class room. For the goal, ELLs need to use English to achieve academically†. These goals are seen in the study to be complimentary, in that using English as a social medium can then lead to better acumen and a better chance for the ELL to be able to integrate this into their academic base of knowledge. This source also acknowledges how specifically, the TESOL teacher is going to face issues of diversity in several areas which reflects on course design for this aspect. The diversity that the general education TESOL teacher faces in a situation of accommodating ELL includes their ability to get materials out in other languages so that parents can understand, but it also involves focusing on English in the classroom situation. Many also point towards bilingual education programs as a reflection of multicultural education and a positive step forward.Â
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Protecting intellectual property rights in software Assignment
Protecting intellectual property rights in software - Assignment Example This paper examines the types of copying and how they can be protected using the intellectual property rights protections such as patents, copyrights, and trademarks. To begin with, software market loses billions of dollars every year because of illegal copying. This has particularly been witnessed in Qatar where report shows that the country has lost millions of dollars to pirates in the software industry (Banerjee 2003, p.98). The duplication is usually done in two different ways namely software duplication and reverse engineering. Through these two methods, pirates have found it easy to duplicate the original works of others and use the pirated software to enrich themselves at the expense of the original producers (Banerjee 2003, p.98). In fact, presently most software shops in Qatar are full of illegally acquired software. However, as earlier stated, this is a global problem that needs joint effort through legislation of policies to protect the intellectual property rights in the software industry. However, there exist three different methods through which intellectual property rights in the software industry can be protected. These include patents, copyrights, and trademarks. All these methods protect software rights in different ways. A patent is one of the most common intellectual property rights protections. ... A patent usually provides this protection by granting exclusive monopoly the right to produce, sell, and utilize the invention for twenty years (Banerjee 2003, p.99). Report indicates that the exclusive monopoly for production, use, and sale of the software are usually perceived as a reward for the effort and time spent in coming up with the new invention. Report by Business Software Alliance (2009, p.5) indicated that in countries like the U.S. in order for an inventor to obtain a patent, he or she must make a formal application to the Patent Office and prove that the invention for which protection through patent is being sought is actually new, important, and unique according to Banerjee (2003, p.99). Patents are indeed a very useful tool for protecting software. This is based on the fact it is capable of protecting program features that other methods such as trademarks and copyrights cannot (Banerjee 2003, p.99). This is because a patent can protect features such as an inventorâ⠂¬â„¢s ideas, methods, functions, algorithms, and systems personified in the software product. In this regard, it also provides protection to software features such as user-interface features, program language, editing functions, operating system techniques, translation methods, menu arrangements, and compiling techniques among others. Once a patent has been granted for a particular software, it immediately becomes illegal for anyone to produce, use, or sell such patented products without the consent of the owner. Therefore, any contravention amounts to a breach of the law, which usually results into penalties and damages and sometimes may result in incarceration (Arai 2012, p.2). It, therefore, becomes very important for
Monday, November 18, 2019
Journal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Journal - Research Paper Example The first one, â€Å"Boys and Girls†, lets the reader know that Nenny is still too young to be a friend to her sister and yet, the unnamed older sister is already looking forward to the time when Nenny will be old enough to be her friend and enjoy each others company. The sense of sibling love is quite strong in this story because she feels protective of her younger sister and looks out for her because not all the kids in their neighborhood are nice children and she does not want her sister exposed to any bad influences. The end of the story makes one wonder what might have become of the sisters after some years had passed. That is why it was nice to see the relationship progression in the second story â€Å"Our Good Day†. In â€Å"Our Good Day†, the readers learn that Nenny is no longer a little child. She is already old enough to be the friend of her sister and that the relationship between them is one filled with trust and care. It also shows that the older sister keeps her younger sibling in mind and is very happy to be able to share any good fortune that she might come into in life with her. However, the story that shows us the greatest development in the relationship of the sisters can be seen in the story â€Å"Laughter†. Look at that house, I said, it looks like Mexico. Rachel and Lucy look at me like I am crazy, but before they can let out a laugh, Nenny says yes: Yes, thats Mexico all right. Thats what I was thinking exactly. This shows that the sisters have reached a point in their sibling-ship where they know each other so well that they trust that the other will know what the one is trying to say. Even more impressive, is that the sisters already think alike. Which is a sign that the siblings are quite in-tune with one another and share more than just a superficial relationship. I guess that is why I enjoyed reading about these stories so much. The short stories give a sense of character development and
Friday, November 15, 2019
History of the Lambada and Its Relationship With World Music
History of the Lambada and Its Relationship With World Music Lambada History is very interesting, because it is composed of many stories and it is quite difficult to hear one and the same story of Lambada. But doubtless remains the fact that the Lambada is one of the most famous and popular Latin dances, which are known and are dancing around the world. The word Lambada refers to the rhythm (a mixture of karimbo and merengue) and dance that combines elements of Forry (forrà ³), samba, merengue and maxixe (Brazilian dance of the nineteenth century), which had huge success in Europe. Lambada became the most popular dance in 1989 and early 1990s. This fiery dance which was born in Latin America, ruled the entire planet, and in Europe it sold over two million records with Lambada music. People were amazed with this music that reminded the rustle of palm trees, the lapping of the warm ocean, singing of birds. Thats why in the early 90s almost every day on American and European television was shown video of Lambada dancing by professional South American dancers. That was true musical performance video, which was kind of a dance school, and opened a whole world of Latin American culture. Europeans and Americans took Lambada with enthusiasm, they admired the fiery and the brightness of Hispanics, and soon Lambada was dancing in the whole E urope and America. The history of Lambada and its relationship with the world music The origins of Lambada dance came from karimbo at the time when Brazil was a Portuguese colony (1500-1822 gg.) in the northern part of the country there was a popular dance called karimbo, that was very sensual dance of man and woman. Over time the dance has changed, and changed the music: because of the proximity to the Caribbean region, the Caribbean music culture had a strong influence on Brazilian music (even today we can feel it if you listen to Caribbean radio station in the northern states of Brazil). This close relationship gave birth to some new rhythms Sirimbà ³ and Lari Lari; so karimbo dance eventually changed so much that gave birth to practically new one. After some time the local radio station Belà ©m (capital of Parà ¡) began to call this new kind of music percussion rhythm and the rhythms of Lambada (the word Lambada means a strong rhythmic beats of music). This last name Lambada became very popular and became associated with the new image of the old dance style . Later people again began to dance karimbo in pairs, and it was very much like merengue, but had a larger number of spinning. In the end, a mixture of metal and electronic music of the Caribbean once again changed the face of karimbo, and the music quickly spread throughout the northeastern region of Brazil (the most touristic places), only this new karimbo was already called Lambada. Lambada long traveled along the coast, and finally reached Bahia (the oldest of the Brazilian state), where it began to experience the effect of dance Forry (another old Brazilian style with the accented rhythm). Gradually, the timing of Lambada from a 4 / 4 changed to 2 / 2, so it can be confidently said that it was then Lambada completely lost its resemblance to the karimbo. Lambada was danced with bent legs, steps were made from side to side and never from front to back. In a fashion were tight skirts, and it happened so that they began to be associated with the Lambada, and Lambada with them. Even nowadays in some places (for example in Lambar in the nightclub of the city of Sao Paulo) we can steel meet the classic couples: a lady in a narrow skirt and a man in long trousers. (Kempley 1990) Together with the Trio-eletricos (great mobile platform in which musicians perform dancing and singing during the Carnival) Lambada began to spread along Bahia and settled in the town of Porto Seguro. During the first boom of Lambada in the south-eastern region of Brazil (the most economically developed) it refered to the rhythms that came from Bahia, and were assumed that all these rhythms live only in the summer and then die. While all acknowledged that the Lambada was a real rush of the summer, many early lambaterii (places where the Lambada was danced) wewre closed closed in winter when tourists left. However, Lambada did not die The story of Lambada spread to Europe says that one day in late summer, several French businessmen came to Brazil and bought the music rights to 300 songs in the style of Lambada. Then they returned to France and organized a group Kaoma, investing lot of money in its promotion. In that way the Lambada style became known throughout the world and reached even the Far East, where it has remained to this day. The world fever of Lambada was so strong that it even returned to Brazil, to the most economically developed south-eastern region, that has already forgotten it. The fact that today in Brazil there are thousands of schools of ballroom dancing, great competitions and tens of thousands of dancers is a merit of the French Kaoma and their international success. This second wave was called the Second Boom of Lambada and this event greatly influenced the world culture. First of all Lambada became an international phenomenon, when millions of young people again began to dance in pairs, and evoked a wave of interest to the Latin American culture. Having spread around the world, the dance has changed dramatically. Due to the fact that in Europe there was lack of good dancers of Lambada (for example for movies and shows), most professionals had to make changes to it: the Lambada was added with whirling and steppe-like elements from jive and East Coast swing, as well as some acrobatic movements. Many dancers have begun to mix Lambada with other musical styles, trying to create something new and unusual. As to the Lambada music, it was played on all radio stations, and some musicians (eg, Sidney Magal and Fafà ¡ de Belà ©m),trying to follow this new vawe, created new real hits on its basis. However, pretty soon people discovered that their interest to the Lambada was based solely on efforts to earn more money, and these musicians were quickly forgotten. After some time, many composers of Lambada seemed to be forgotten, these music and dance were losing their power, and millions of fans around the world were helpless before it. Another musicians have begun to mix Lambada with other musical styles, mix Lambada with Caribbean Soca, Merengue, Salsa and Zouk. Anyway, now Zouk is a child, a native son of our beloved old Lambada. Thus we can say that Lambada is a real rhythm of Latin America, which has a rich and bright national culture. History of success and spread of Lambada throughout the world shows that the culture of Latin America is very popular and interesting to people around the world. Latin American dances are always very popular, millions of people around the world love to dance them. Also, Latin American music attracts Europeans and Americans with its incendiary rhythms, unique power. Lambada became one of the most brilliant and incendiary dance, which danced the whole world, and despite the fact that its success is already lost, the era of Lambada opened the brightness of the culture in Latin America to the world and brought new sound and rythms to the world music industry.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Reflection Essay -- Reflection Essay
The assignment instructed to be completed for my Dean’s Seminar class was a study plan. This plan organized my study habits and helped me with my time management. I learned valuable skills that I will incorporate into my daily routine. By sticking with this plan I will be able to see an improvement and progress in my work . I hope to use this template for the rest of my educational career.      Many of the study skills that I learned have become integral in my study habits. I began to highlight my book for key works and phrases which help me organize the main points the book is articulating. I do not procrastinate as much as I did because I understand about doing my work when it is assigned will help give me free time. I go out to parties and social events only when I have completed all my assignments. Another organizational skill I use is typing up notes. This method helps reinforce the material from lecture and I am able to comprehend the material as I type it up. A valuable tip that I learned is to split up work so that it is not over consuming. I use this skill in all my areas such as reading a section of text every night. It helps in many aspects of studying. I make use of the my time and work diligently at my work. I make sure I am able to have a peaceful working environment where I can concentrate without outside distractions. I found the ideal place for this is the library. For English, I learned about the writing center which helps students...
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Motivation and the Brain †Eating Healthy Essay
Eating right is essential for positive motivation and clear thinking. The brain, specifically the hypothalamus, along with the cerebral hemisphere works closely with physiological stimulation. This includes all five of our senses, specifically speaking, taste. Explaining the brain function associated with eating, I will discuss the influence of extrinsic and intrinsic factors, which will include heredity and involving the environment. In addition I will discuss the motivation need to succeed in eating healthy. The main function of the hypothalamus is homeostasis, or maintaining the body’s state in which it works. Factors such as blood pressure, body temperature, fluid and electrolyte balance, and body weight are held to a precise value called the set-point. The Hypothalamus organizes and controls many complex emotions, feelings and moods, as well as all motivational states including hunger, appetite and food intake, and everything to do with the concept of pleasure including satisfaction, comfort and creative activities (Incredible Horizons, 2009). It appears that almost everything the Hypothalamus does is related in some way to weight management and controlled weight loss. When the Hypothalamus is not working properly, food becomes more important, but increasingly more unfulfilling. We end up never feeling satisfied with the foods which we have eaten, gradually eating more and more to try to compensate for whatever is lacking. From a metabolism point of view, the Hypothalamus not only governs the motivation to eat, but most importantly how eating is to be experienced, if it is satisfying or not, and how deep the satisfaction occurs. This gives an idea just how important a healthy hypothalamic function really is (Incredible Horizons, 2009). Understanding how the hypothalamus works and keeping it healthy could be an extrinsic motivational factor to eat healthy. Being educated on how food affects the brain but also the body as a whole would be an example of extrinsic motivation. However, it is how we learn to eat, hereditarily speaking that gives us the tools to start out eating healthy from a young age or not. Lifelong food preference tends to start to develop while a baby is still in the mother’s womb. The strongest pattern for future food preferences is formed during the age of 9 to 19 months of age (Vera, 2009). At this time, everything connected with food intake leaves a strong imprint on the child’s brain. Also, the baby is tasting everything with his or her mouth; toys, shoes, body parts, etc. Concurrently, the child is memorizing the experiences of his mother and fathers eating habits; what they are eating, what they are feeding the baby, their emotional reaction to the baby’s consumption of these foods all while the unsuspecting parents believe that the child does not comprehend much of what is going on. The reality is the child is forming food habits for a lifetime. Whatever the first tastes, textures, smells an sights of food are, that child will crave them for the rest of his or her life, especially in moments of distress. Because of this, it would appear that comfort food is not too far from the truth. This was often a time in a child’s life when their mom or dad focused much love and caring on them and purely through association finds its way into our adult lives when we feel emotionally distressed or needing comfort. Human behavior patterns forming in childhood are crucially important for parents to pay close attention to the eating habits they are helping their children form (Vera, 2009). Promoting healthy eating habits with special care introducing fresh fruits and vegetables to their children as much as possible; in addition, parents must keep this promotion up otherwise children will fall prey to the society’s image of food which is unhealthy; another extrinsic example. In today’s society negative eating habits are advertised in every corner. According to Not Alone website, the top ten lists of popular food most people eat on a regular basis may not appear too alarming: a burger meal, Pizza, Spaghetti, or even a hot dog meal. However, after reviewing the nutritional analysis it should be alarming! For example, a burger meal contains 1300 calories, 34 grams of protein, 189 grams of carbohydrates and 44 grams of fat. This is equivalent to 38 teaspoons of sugar and a half of a stick of butter (McKeith, Ph. D. , 2005). The normal daily calorie intake should be 2,550 for men and 1,940 for women (McKeith, Ph. D. , 2005). Unfortunately the typically daily intake for both men and women are on average 3, 877 calories. Knowing these statistics should lead a person to use internal motivation to recognize the severity of the issue and begin to eat healthy. To conclude, eating right is essential for positive motivation and clear thinking. We have learned the hypothalamus, along with the cerebral hemisphere works closely with physiological stimulation including taste. I’ve explained the brain function associated with eating, discussed the influence of extrinsic and intrinsic factors including heredity and the environment. Lastly, I discussed the motivation need to succeed in eating healthy. References Breck, K. B. (2011). A practical guide to a happy life. Retrieved from http://www. kristenguide. com/Health/Weight_Loss/ways_to_stay_motivated. asp Incredible Horizons. (2009). Hypothalmus Function. Retrieved from http://www. incrediblehorizons. com/balance-Hypo%20function. htm McKeith, Ph. D. , G. (2005). 10 Foods People Eat On a Regular Basis. You Are What You Eat: The Plan that Will Change Your Life. Not Alone. Retrieved from http://www. enotalone. com/article/25017. html NowLoss. (2011). Getting Motivated. Retrieved from http://www. nowloss. com/how-to- get-motivation-to-lose-weight. htm The Life Co. (2009). A new recipe for life!. Retrieved from http://www. thelifeco. com/cok-okunanlar. aspx? id=478 Vera, Dr. (2009). Hereditary Eating Habits. Quantum Evolution. Retrieved from http://www. quantumevolution. comau/hereditary_eating_habits. htm.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Gideons Trumpet
Gideon’s Trumpet Gideon vs. Wainwright was a monument of a case for people all across the country. Maybe it should have never passed by the Supreme Court at all. Betts vs. Brady should have never been overturned and should have remained the common practice throughout the country. The Supreme Court overlooked many important factors in deciding Gideon vs. Wainwright. This case should have been just another case decided by the standard that Betts vs. Brady set back in 1942. Betts vs. Brady was decided by a majority of six to three. This clearly proved that the due process clause of the fourteenth amendment did not assure a lawyer’s help in a state criminal trial. A lawyer didn’t have to be provided to a person unless he or she had â€Å"special circumstances†. Clarence Earl Gideon had none of these special circumstances. In fact, he did quite well defending himself in his own trial. He even cross-examined the witnesses that the prosecution called very completely. It just seemed like the Justices were biased towards Gideon and Fortas from the beginning. Smith Betts put forth the exact same case to the Supreme Court twenty years earlier. The difference was that different justices sat back then. Six out of nine of them could see the disadvantages of providing lawyers to everyone. Once all the newer justices started, and once Justice Frankfurter retired, they knew they could probably get the majority in overruling Betts vs. Brady. Federal enforcement of the Gideon case makes for a very inflexible and sterile legal system. Deciding to have every state grant a lawyer to everybody who wanted one really took a lot of power away from the states individually. When the states are allowed to form their own laws and procedures, a wide variety of systems result. It is in these different systems that we get closer and closer to the best way to do things. States should be allowed to experiment with their own legal system... Free Essays on Gideon's Trumpet Free Essays on Gideon's Trumpet Gideon’s Trumpet Gideon vs. Wainwright was a monument of a case for people all across the country. Maybe it should have never passed by the Supreme Court at all. Betts vs. Brady should have never been overturned and should have remained the common practice throughout the country. The Supreme Court overlooked many important factors in deciding Gideon vs. Wainwright. This case should have been just another case decided by the standard that Betts vs. Brady set back in 1942. Betts vs. Brady was decided by a majority of six to three. This clearly proved that the due process clause of the fourteenth amendment did not assure a lawyer’s help in a state criminal trial. A lawyer didn’t have to be provided to a person unless he or she had â€Å"special circumstances†. Clarence Earl Gideon had none of these special circumstances. In fact, he did quite well defending himself in his own trial. He even cross-examined the witnesses that the prosecution called very completely. It just seemed like the Justices were biased towards Gideon and Fortas from the beginning. Smith Betts put forth the exact same case to the Supreme Court twenty years earlier. The difference was that different justices sat back then. Six out of nine of them could see the disadvantages of providing lawyers to everyone. Once all the newer justices started, and once Justice Frankfurter retired, they knew they could probably get the majority in overruling Betts vs. Brady. Federal enforcement of the Gideon case makes for a very inflexible and sterile legal system. Deciding to have every state grant a lawyer to everybody who wanted one really took a lot of power away from the states individually. When the states are allowed to form their own laws and procedures, a wide variety of systems result. It is in these different systems that we get closer and closer to the best way to do things. States should be allowed to experiment with their own legal system... Free Essays on Gideon's Trumpet In Gideon’s Trumpet, Anthony Lewis provides a detailed account of Clarence Earl Gideon’s appeal to Supreme Court in order to gain his right to counsel, but Lewis also gives an excellent description of the process of appealing to the Supreme Court in general. Chapter 1 Chapter 1 describes Gideon’s claim to the Supreme Court (hereafter simply the Court). Gideon petitioned the Court in forma pauperis, in the manner of a pauper. Lewis states that the Court’s â€Å"Rule 53 allows an impoverished person to file just one copy of a petition†¦.‘due allowance’ for technical errors so long as there is substantial compliance†(4). From his initial filing to the Court, it appears as though Gideon made a substantial effort to comply with the standards set by the Court in regard to in forma pauperis petitions. Gideon’s application was written in pencil, but he included the affidavit required to proceed in forma pauperis. In his petition, Gideon also provided the Court with a copy of his habeas corpus petition that he filed to the Florida Supreme Court and the Florida Supreme Court’s rejection of that petition. In his petition, Lewis states that Gideon provided little, if any, personal information. Lewis describes Gideon as a destitute man who bore the marks of a destitute life. Gideon was 51 years old at the time of his petition to the Court. He had been convicted on four previous felonies. According to Lewis, hardly anyone would describe Gideon as a violent man; rather, Gideon was a man who found great difficulty in settling down and working to live. Thus, Gideon often turned to crime. In his filing to the Court, Gideon’s case was originally titled Gideon v. Cochran. Gideon’s primary submission to the Court was a 5-page petition for writ of certiorari. Gideon had been convicted of breaking and entering into the Bay Harbor Poolroom in Panama City, Florida. The crux of Gideon’s petition to the Court was that the due pr...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Gebghis Khan
Genghis Khan (Temujin) Genghis Khan, whose original name Temujin, was born around 1167. He was born near Lake Baikal in Russia. His father was a powerful Mongol King named Yesukai. At thirteen, Temujin succeeded his father as the Chief of his tribe. He was to become the creator of one of the largest empires to ever exist. Genghis Khan means "Universal King" or "Universal emperor". Many neighboring countries feared Genghis Khan and his vast Empire. He was known for his cavalry, which was superior to any other. Their armor was light so they had a wider range of motion. The cavalry could shoot as many as six arrows per minute. On horseback, the cavalry was unstoppable. With this army he was able to unite all of Mongolia under his rule. He next turned south toward China. Temujin began his conquest of China after he was given his title Genghis Khan. By 1208, he had a foothold inside the Great Wall of China. In 1213, he pushed south and west into the ch’in Empire, and didn’t stop until reaching the Shantung Peninsula. By 1215, he had taken over Yanking, the only stronghold left in Northern China. In 1218, the Korean Peninsula fell to the Mongols. In 1219, in retaliation for the murder of some Mongols, Genghis Khan pushed his armies westward, taking over a vast Turkish empire that included modern Iraq, Iran, and part of Turkistan. In 1222, Genghis Khan marched into Russia and took over the region between the Volga and Dnepr rivers, as well as territories stretching from the Persian Gulf almost to the Arctic Ocean. Genghis Khan struck fear in the hearts of many. His ingenious, strategic battle plans never failed. Exclaiming "I am the punishment of God," he conquered the largest Empire this world has ever seen, larger even than that of Alexander the Great. He seemed truly unconquerable, but on August 28, 1227, he died. Some say he drank himself to death. When he died his e... Free Essays on Gebghis Khan Free Essays on Gebghis Khan Genghis Khan (Temujin) Genghis Khan, whose original name Temujin, was born around 1167. He was born near Lake Baikal in Russia. His father was a powerful Mongol King named Yesukai. At thirteen, Temujin succeeded his father as the Chief of his tribe. He was to become the creator of one of the largest empires to ever exist. Genghis Khan means "Universal King" or "Universal emperor". Many neighboring countries feared Genghis Khan and his vast Empire. He was known for his cavalry, which was superior to any other. Their armor was light so they had a wider range of motion. The cavalry could shoot as many as six arrows per minute. On horseback, the cavalry was unstoppable. With this army he was able to unite all of Mongolia under his rule. He next turned south toward China. Temujin began his conquest of China after he was given his title Genghis Khan. By 1208, he had a foothold inside the Great Wall of China. In 1213, he pushed south and west into the ch’in Empire, and didn’t stop until reaching the Shantung Peninsula. By 1215, he had taken over Yanking, the only stronghold left in Northern China. In 1218, the Korean Peninsula fell to the Mongols. In 1219, in retaliation for the murder of some Mongols, Genghis Khan pushed his armies westward, taking over a vast Turkish empire that included modern Iraq, Iran, and part of Turkistan. In 1222, Genghis Khan marched into Russia and took over the region between the Volga and Dnepr rivers, as well as territories stretching from the Persian Gulf almost to the Arctic Ocean. Genghis Khan struck fear in the hearts of many. His ingenious, strategic battle plans never failed. Exclaiming "I am the punishment of God," he conquered the largest Empire this world has ever seen, larger even than that of Alexander the Great. He seemed truly unconquerable, but on August 28, 1227, he died. Some say he drank himself to death. When he died his e...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Organizational communication Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Organizational communication - Research Paper Example Some are of the opinion that it is not as simple as the definition suggest where several multidimensional psychological responses to an individual’s job are involved. Other scholars have noted that measures of employee’s job satisfaction varies in the extent to which feelings concerning job satisfaction are measured (Goodyear Roger et al 1996). Conflict management, on the other hand, conflict management within an organization is a process where the negative aspects are limited while enhancing the positive aspects of the organization. The primary aim of managing conflict within the organization is to improve learning and group performance in the organization. A properly managed conflict enhances group outcomes. As far as communication within Waco Police Department is concerned, communication plays a critical role in the organization since the managers can execute the basic functions of management, i.e. planning, organizing, controlling and leading. Communication assist m anagers to carry out their duties and responsibilities. Communication acts as pillar for planning. All the crucial information have to be communicated to the managers who in turn should communicate the plans so as to implement them. Organizing needs effective communication with others pertaining their jobs. Career development offers opportunities that can mutually benefit both the employees and employers. According to Van, (2000), eemployees who participate in job training, continuing education, and other professional development can acquire and refine new set of skills hence leading to career advancement. In addition, more educated workforce leads to various advantages to the employer. Creating a well-rounded workforce by preparing them to handle the tasks successfully in their roles helps the organization to be more efficient and effective. For instance, cross-training of
Friday, November 1, 2019
Russia and China Economic Transitions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Russia and China Economic Transitions - Essay Example The government also makes all the decisions about the use of income and how it will be distributed in the economy. In planned economy, the production, distribution and, most importantly, the pricing and investment decisions are made arbitrarily by the government. It usually employs a fixed price system and a monopoly market structure because all the major economic players are owned and controlled by the government. The proponents of this economic model argue that the government is better placed to know, and hence take care of the particular needs of its people. The free economy occupies the other end of the spectrum; the direct opposite of the planned or controlled economy. Here the economy is based on the division of labor. The prices of goods and services are set by the interaction of the market forces of demand and supply. The intersection of the demand and supply curves provides the optimum price and quantity. The proponents of this model argue that it gives the consumers the lib erty to choose what they want provided and in what quantity. The competitiveness of the market also ensures that the firms in the industry benefit by making reasonable profits that can be sustained by the market. The Mixed economy market is a blend of the planned and the free liberalized economies. It allows the prices to be set by the interaction of the forces of demand and supply but the government reserves the right to control some economic sectors that are too crucial for the country’s development. These sectors include the transport, energy and the health care sectors among others.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Critical Note Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Critical Note - Case Study Example Hedley gets the wrong end of a chicken/egg argument. He seems to imply that a properly managed portfolio would not have allowed British motorcycle share to have fallen so significantly, and that, if only someone had valued market share, the demise of the industry would not have occurred. This argument, however, discounts the overriding market forces that would have debilitated the motorcycle industry in any event. It was not a lack of market share that caused British costs to remain stubbornly high, but wages, lack of natural resources, and the overall decline of British manufacturing (Turnbull et. al. 1992). Not a single motorcycle or automotive company has effectively navigated the murky waters of British cost and regulation without being bought out or constructed off-shore (Turnbull et. al. 1992), so arguing that clever portfolio management could have stopped this disaster is untrue. Portfolio management is surely important, but this example describes it more as a panacea, which i s a bad way to think about it. Turnbull, P., Oliver, N., & Wilkinson, B. (1992). Buyer†supplier relations in the UK†automotive industry: Strategic implications of the Japanese manufacturing model. Strategic Management Journal, 13(2),
Monday, October 28, 2019
Narrative composition and content Essay Example for Free
Narrative composition and content Essay In this essay I will talk about the narration, composition and the content of the newspapers which are published today. These three points are taken very seriously as they play the most important role in the success and failure of the newspapers which are published. I chose a broadsheet newspaper to analyse first as it has the articles in more proffesional order, its contents are trustworthy and theres a bigger audience for it. Narration of the newspapers on the frontpage of the broadsheet newspapers you would find the biggest news, something which would shock the viewers and convince them to read the newspaper. As it will be on the National News page it has to be a big news, it could be about politics, disasters in businesses or terrorist attacks anything which will grab the attention and it could be happening nationally. It would be popular and affect the people globally. See more: how to start a narrative essay for college Then it would be the local news which might be important to the viewers who live in the city which is mentioned in the newspaper but mostly everyone prefers an international paper with a good local section later in the newspaper as it may not be that important as much as the national news would be because the local news would be for a smaller audience it would come after the bigger news as it would be for the whole country. After the local news and adverts would come the Sports news pages which would be at the back of the newspaper because sports doesnt take much training or intelligence to grasp and it has a wide appeal. The reason newspapers are set up like that is because that setup makes them the most money. As the sports pages have always been at the back of the newspapers now the viewers know where to find the sports, if they dont want to see the other news they can just go to the sports area straight away and look at that, so they dont have to find it going through the whole newspaper. Â Contents in newspapers- In tabloid newspapers we find stories of political events, crime, business, art/entertainment, society and sports similar to the broadsheet newspapers but they arent as big. The news about the ordinary people and what goes around the country which would be more emphasized, we find gossips about celebrities and their private lives etc for example The Sun they put stories for the people who are less proffessionals and look for something more humourous and fun rather than the serious crime and stressful news they find in the broadsheet newspapers. The tabloid newspapers make the news in a more intersting form with more pictures. Many people buy it to catch up with the news going around the world, as tabloids are more picture based the workers read it during their lunchtimes as a timepass and entertainment. Many readers think its really pointless It Seems that the owners of these papers care about doing is putting celebrity news as the major top stories. They have made celebrity news more important than the War on terror more important than global warming more important than the major problems this country this world is facing. Its not a real paper anymore its nothing more than a tabloid celebrity newspaper. Why changes were needed to be made to some of the newspaper content The contents in the newspapers we find today are completely different from what they were like when they first came out they actually needed to change for the better. Then they didnt care about how to please everyone and just used to put the content without looking at any audience and not thinking about the foreigners and the people from different cultures and thats why the newspapers then wernt that popular and successful whereas now the newspapers have improved and are more successful now because there are more foreign people in the country so the content needs to provide material for their interests aswell in order to gain more readers and also for that rather than having information only on british sport, they have news from all countries sport and their progress but with this the english people are also interested in other countries. The contents we find now in the newspapers are far more interesting now. In tabloids we find the news about everything but in a more humourous way even the global news would be presented in a similar way but the broadsheet newspapers are for the more serius audience who just simply want to know the news and no other interference with it they want to know more about crime, finance, stocks and shares and business although they are getting used to the entertainment and the gossip news everywhere and are started to get into these kind of topics. As the newspapers need to appeal to all different types of people with different thoughts and backgrounds even the broadsheets include small informations of the celebrities and the current affairs mixed with other news for . e. g law, art, taxes, celebs and horoscopes in the tabloid newspaper are there so that they can get more viewers. As there are more issues to discuss in the media now and the way aspects are portrayed are a lot more controversial ways to attract the readers or viewers like the page three women who are completely exposed and revealing everything to get the men viewers and the Madeleine McCann case and how the newspapers were allowed to write bias viewpoints about the situation and not jus this there are many others, tabloids are more open about their opinion but broadsheets are not so open and obvious. Even technologyy was to be blamed for the changes not to be happening in the early years as the technology wasnt as good back then the print outs and the quality of it wasnt that good either so they couldnt made it more attractive and colourful but now we can do everything so there are more changes and the newspapers look a lot better too. So this shows that the changes in the contents were quite essential to the newspapers.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
WNBA Salary Claim :: Technical Writing
ATTENTION: MR Salary Man TO: WNBA Salary Board FROM: Mamma Thomas Professional Sports Representation Agent SUBJECT: Rookie Salary Negotiations Dear Sir, I am writing to discuss the details of Latoya’s Thomas’ contract in which my client disagrees upon. For entry into the 2001/2002 Women’s National Basketball Association, referred to from here as the WNBA, player draft. Latoya is a 6’1 all around player and is very versatile my client is now playing for the WNBA and has considered coming to America to play for your league the WNBA In looking over the minimum requirements I noticed that a few things rose to my attention. In particular endorsements allowed, contract length, sponsorships, work out dates, travel conditions, and salary increments. I will attempt to address all of my reservations and offer suggestions to remedy these requirements and leave room for negotiation between your negotiation team and myself. If you can not meet these requirements then my client will not be allowed to enter your WNBA draft 2001/2002. Firstly, let me quickly outline Latoya’s extensive playing history and this will demonstrate the level of play that Latoya can offer to your league. Starting out at 11 years old in the seventh grade Latoya played for Dent Middle School. In the eigth grade she also played for Richland Northeast High School on the Junior Varsity and Varsity teams. In continuing her career she made the Varsity team her Freshmen year and contiuned to play all four years. As a freshmen she averaged 15 points per game and was named Freshmen of the year. As a Sophmore she averaged 18 points and 11 rebounds. As a Junior, Latoya averaged 22 points, 12 rebounds and 6 assist. She also lead the team and the nation in scoring. She lead the team to a Conference championship and a State Championship. As a Senior she was #1 player in the nation, averaged a triple double with 31 points, 14 rebounds and 10 assist. For the second consecutive year in history she lead team to a state championship and lead the nati on in scoring. All four years in High school she was selected to be on the all-state team, all- region team, and all-conference team. During the summers of her High School years she would continue practicing and playing for an AAU team. To play for an AAU team you must be selected by the regional committee of which you belong to as a player.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Battered Woman Syndrome
The phrase â€Å"battered woman syndrome†was first coined by Walker to provide a clear picture about the recurrent events of violence occurring in a relationship. In this concept, some psychological structures are defined such as learned helplessness. This terminology will aid in the discussion of the reasons behind why certain women, who experience violence and assault, still remain and cling to the batterer and their relationship.Battered woman syndrome has become the subject of court cases in the past years, ranging from the prosecution of the batterers up to the testimonies of the battered woman. It is also traditionally applied as a reason for self-defense of a woman, who is believed to be in an imminent danger at the time she killed the batterer (McCann, Shindler and Hammond, 2004). However, issues conjure in response to this traditionally accepted claim of the victim. One of which is that battered women are masochists.Fulero and Wrightsman (2009) tackled issues about t he battered woman syndrome. They also compiled myths about the battered woman syndrome and one of which is the masochism of battered women. Since it is a myth, there are insufficient proof that the said issue is true and factual. Englander (2007) further added that theories about masochism as being normal for women have no scientific foundation and empirical data to support these theories. It is also not necessary that a woman experiencing battered woman syndrome is a masochist.Different angles of the issue must be viewed first. Consider the social status of the person because having an inferior social status does not necessarily mean that one is masochistic. Consider also her behavior. Although she behaves masochistically, it does not necessarily mean that she is suffering from masochism. Her act of masochism may be due to the fact that she needs to increase her chances of surviving or to eliminate the tension building inside her. A woman may not be able to leave her husband becaus e of the benefit she gains from him (e. g., her children has father) or she cannot find any other man to satisfy her emotional needs (Rancour-Laferriere, 1995). Other factors to consider would include the following: social or financial dependence on spouse, insufficient marketing skills, limited independence and mobility due to continuous childbearing, uncertainty about the severity of the problem, fear of becoming single, poor and alone, and knowledge deficit about other options that may help her (Englander, 2007). If a woman is a masochist, then she enjoys the suffering or the pain inflicted to her.However, Okun (1986) noted that masochism enlisted here does not imply enjoyment of suffering. Instead the suffering is endured because of the woman's low self-esteem and failure to understand her role in their relationship. Battered women are then suggested to be suffering from a subtype of anxiety related disorder. It is said to be under the subclassification of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) since the cyclical act of violence has become a serious threat to the health of the victim and her life.The battered woman often reports flashbacks, nightmares, emotional detachment, numbness, sleep problems, disrupted concentration, hypervigilance, startled response, guilt, and fears of experiencing recurrent violence. Other symptoms would include depression, indecisiveness, low self-esteem, self-blame, passiveness, social isolation, and unwillingness to seek help from others (Keltner, Schwecke and Bostrom, 2007). In conclusion, one must first consider several factors before making assumptions about battered women.They may have some psychiatric disorders that render them incapable of leaving their abusive partner. They may have deeper reasons why they chose to experience physical rather than emotional pain. Knowing that some of these women are mothers, their love for their children may be the only bond that ties her to an abusive partner. References Englander, E. K. (2007). Understanding Violence (3rd ed. ). USA: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Fulero, S. M. & Wrightsman, L. S. (2009). Forensic Psychology (3rd ed. ). USA: Wadsworth. Keltner, N. L. , Schwecke, L.H. & Bostrom, C. L. (2007). Psychiatric Nursing (5th ed. ). USA: Elsevier. McCann, J. T. , Shindler, K. L. , & Hammond, T. R. (2004). The Science and Pseudoscience of Ecpert Testimony. In S. O. Lilienfeld, S. J. Lynn, J. M. Lohr, & C. Tavris. (Ed. ) Science and Pseudoscience of Clinical Psychology. USA: The Guilford Press. Okun, L. (1986). Woman Abuse: Facts Replacing Myths. USA: State University New York Press Rancour-Laferriere, D. (1995). The Slave Soul of Russia: Moral Masochism and the Cult of Suffering. USA: New York University Press.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Profile prepared by Management Analysis Corporation
Do you believe that the diagnosis and resulting profile prepared by Management Analysis Corporation was a necessary step in the process of finding potentially successful general managers? ExplainThe profile prepared by Management Analysis Corporation is the first step in the process of finding a potentially successful of general managers, but it is not the only step. Actually, after MAC has understood very clearly the needs of Dancey Electronics, they could picture the perfect leader. Once this was done, they could see what skills must be innate and what skills can be learned to become a leader. Then, MAC could propose one more interview to the candidates. For example, the candidates are faced to a concrete leadership problem, and they need to solve it very quickly.MAC should analyze reactions of the candidates and pick the best one. This means picking the person who has the best ability to change and to adapt to a new situation. So, I do not know yet if Joe Morris could be the good candidate for leading Dancey Electronics.Moreover, I think that the analysis done by MAC is a good way to find a potentially successful group of general managers because it accually describes the ideal qualities of being an effective general manager and at the same time gives us ideas about the relationship and task orientation of each candidate along with analysis of some important environmental factors that might have some effect on their leadership style, such as the company’s expectation and the subordinated expectation for the behavior of general managers.However, I think Management Analysis Corporation should analyze the behavior of the followers more. This way, MAC will know what leadership style would be the best for the group.What alternatives are available to modify Joe Morris’s potential effectiveness in the new general manager position?Joe Morris has a high task orientation it means he can apply an initiating structure focused on goals and results. But it i s not enough to lead a team. Joe Morris has to be more relationship oriented. We know that Joe Morris has low skills in relationship orientation. But a leader needs to communicate with his team to have an influence on the behavior of the individuals. If Joe Morris does not change, he could only be a manager, but not a leader. As we learnt in class, â€Å"leaders do the right things, managers do things right†.According to the Fielder theory, Joe Morris can make changes to be more relationship-oriented. He can spend more informal time (lunch, leisure activities) with his subordinates. He can also request particular people for work in his group. He can be a volunteer to direct difficult or troublesome subordinates. He can suggest or affects transfers of particular subordinates into his unit. Finally, Joe Morris can raise morale by obtaining positive outcomes (special bonuses, time off, attractive jobs) for subordinates.Moreover, Joe Morris should follow a training session to dis cuss and analyze his leadership situation. This way, he can understand his performance and improve it. If Joe Morris increases his position of power, he could be a better leader because he would repair his lack in relationship orientation.Why will it be difficult for Joe Morris to modify his style of leadership?Joe Morris knows how to organize and define the relationships in the group and he establishes well-defined patterns and channels of communication, and spells out ways of getting the job done. So it is a good start. But it would be difficult for him to modify his style of leadership because it is very hard to change him. Moreover, he does not have an overall insight of the company. He needs to fit in the group to eventually change. Considering that Joe Morris is far away from a good relationship orientation, it might be very difficult for him to understand what changes he has to do to modify his style of leadership.It also may be hard for Joe Morris to change his style of lead ership due to the argument against the path-goal theory whereby subordinates play a rule in the leadership style of the manager. In that, Joe Morris has a low score in relationship orientation which means that his relationship with the employees may not be as effective and efficient. As a result, although Morris my want to change his leadership style type, employees may not be as willing to change given his low relationship orientation which therefore makes it hard for him to change his leadership style.But on the other hand, according to the Leader-Member Exchange Approach, there is no consistent leader behavior across subordinates and Joe Morris can behave in different ways with his future followers than he used to. So he may not have to change his style of leadership and still be appreciated by his followers. Therefore he will become a good leader.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Quotes From the Movie V for Vendetta
Quotes From the Movie 'V for Vendetta' V for Vendetta is set in the near future in London, which has become a police state. The main character, V, fights the oppressors in his world. He aims to spread bitter destruction and to annihilate the government. When V rescues Evey Hammond, he gains an ally to help in his mission. Throughout the film, the characters, including imprisoned Valerie, look for freedom from their dystopian universe. These V for Vendetta ​movie quotes bring out feelings of torment, helplessness, violence, and hope. V The past cant hurt you anymore, unless you let it. A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having. There are no coincidences, only the illusion of coincidences. People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people. Valerie It seems strange that my life should end in such a terrible place, but for three years I had roses and apologized to no one. I remember how different became dangerous. Id only told them the truth. Was that so selfish? Our integrity sells for so little, but its all that we really have. It is the very last inch of us, but within that inch, we are free. What I hope most of all is that you understand what I mean when I tell you that though I do not know you and even though I may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you, or kiss you, I love you. With all my heart, I love you. I shall die here. Every last inch of me shall perish. Except one. An inch. Its small and its fragile and its the only thing in the world worth having. We must never lose it, or sell it, or give it away. We must never let them take it from us. I hope that whoever you are, you escape this place. I hope that the world turns and that things get better. Evey Hammond He was Edmond Dantes. And he was my father, and my mother, my brother, my friend. He was you and me. He was all of us. Because he was right. This country needs more than a building right now. It needs hope. My father was a writer. You wouldve liked him. He used to say that artists use lies to tell the truth, while politicians use them to cover the truth up. Bishop Lilliman It wasnt labor that I was speaking of, but rather my final remittance. My last little joy. Delia Surridge Oppenheimer was able to change more than the course of a war. He changed the entire course of human history. Is it wrong to hold on to that kind of hope? Creedy Whatcha gonna do, uh? Weve swept this place, youve got nothing. Nothing but your bloody knives and your fancy karate gimmicks, we have guns. Finch The problem is, he knows us better than we know ourselves. Deitrich You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Language and Identity in Kim Thuys Ru Essays
Language and Identity in Kim Thuys Ru Essays Language and Identity in Kim Thuys Ru Paper Language and Identity in Kim Thuys Ru Paper Written as a semi-autobiographical series of accounts, Kim Thuy’s Ru offers a poetically realistic portrayal of the Vietnamese refugee experience. It is a work of metamorphosis that takes the novel’s heroin on a rollercoaster ride from riches to rags to riches (from riches to rags to riches), in a tragic display of war-induced deterioration and consequential success. Similar to the typical immigrant narrative, the narrator, Nguyen An Tinh, highlights language as a barrier that hinders her from situating herself in a foreign space as a ten-year-old refugee in Quebec. My paper will examine the linguistic barriers that catalyze immigrant success, as well as the means by which these barriers are demolished within a setting distorted by war, diaspora, and refuge. It will also examine the significance of family ties and motherhood in the life of the novels protagonist. Kim Thuy’s choice for a title to her novel foreshadows the main theme of motherhood prevalent throughout the course of An Tinh’s life. Mother figures have undoubtedly played a major role in shaping her personality, both as a child and as an adult. In an interview, Thuy reveals that in her native tongue, Vietnamese, run means â€Å"a lullaby, or to lull†and is commonly used by mothers to soothe their child to sleep (â€Å"A Refugees Multilayered Experience†). From the very beginning, it is evident that Thuy places great emphasis on motherhood and its influence on An Tinh. Furthermore, In her adoptive language, run gives a more inclusive meaning; one that relates to family ties. In French, run means a small stream, a flow potentially of blood. The double entendre in the work’s title conveys the divide in language that permeates the protagonist’s life. The narrator first introduces herself as Nguyen An Tinh and immediately points to the similarity between her and her mother. The purpose of her existence is to prolong the life of her mother, with whom she s
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Human Anatomy Study Tips
Human Anatomy Study Tips Anatomy is the study of the structure of living organisms. This subdiscipline of biology can be further categorized into the study of large-scale anatomical structures (gross anatomy) and the study of microscopic anatomical structures (microscopic anatomy). Human anatomy deals with anatomical structures of the human body, including cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. Anatomy is always linked to physiology, the study of how biological processes function in living organisms. Therefore it is not enough to be able to identify a structure, its function must also be understood. Why Study Anatomy? The study of human anatomy gives us a better understanding of the structures of the body and how they work. When taking a basic anatomy course, your goal should be to learn and understand the structures and functions of the major body systems. It is important to remember that organ systems dont just exist as individual units. Each system depends on the others, either directly or indirectly, to keep the body functioning normally. It is also important to be able to identify the major cells, tissues, and organs being studied and to know how they function. Make the Most of Your Study Time Studying anatomy involves lots of memorization. For instance, the human body contains 206 bones and over 600 muscles. Learning these structures requires time, effort, and good memorization skills. The following tips will help make learning and memorizing body structures easier. Know the Language The most important thing to understand when studying anatomy is the terminology. Using standard anatomical terminology ensures that anatomists have a common method of communicating to avoid confusion when identifying structures. Knowing anatomical directional terms and body planes, for instance, enables you to describe the locations of structures in relation to other structures or locations in the body. Learning the common prefixes and suffixes used in anatomy and biology is also helpful. And Decipher Terms Like "Brachiocephalic Artery" If you are studying the brachiocephalic artery, you can figure out its function by knowing the affixes in the name. The affix brachio- refers to the upper arm and cephal refers to the head. If you have memorized that an artery is a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart, you can determine that the brachiocephalic artery is a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the head and arm regions of the body. Use Study Aids Study aids are very useful when studying anatomy. Believe it or not, anatomy coloring books are one of the best ways to learn and memorize structures and their location. The Anatomy Coloring Book is a popular choice, but other coloring books work as well. Flash Cards and Complementary Texts Anatomy flash cards, like Netters Anatomy Flash Cards and Mosbys Anatomy Physiology Study and Review Cards are recommended as well. Flash cards are valuable for reviewing information and are not meant to be a substitute for anatomy texts. Acquiring a good complementary text, such as Netters Atlas of Human Anatomy, is a must for higher level anatomy courses and those interested in or already attending medical school. These resources provide detailed illustrations and pictures of various anatomical structures. Review, Review, Review To really make sure you comprehend the material, you must constantly review what you have learned. It is vital that you attend any and all anatomy review sessions given by your instructor. Be sure to always take practice quizzes before taking any test or quiz. Get together with a study group and quiz each other on the material. If you are taking an anatomy course with a lab, be sure that you prepare for what you are going to be studying before lab class. Stay Ahead With Information The main thing you want to avoid is falling behind. With the volume of information that is covered in most anatomy courses, it is important that you stay ahead and know what you need to know before you need to know it. Know the Human Body at Small and Large Scale Organisms, including humans, are arranged in a hierarchical structure. Tissues Cells compose tissues of the body, which can be categorized into four primary types. These tissue types are epithelial tissue, muscle tissue, connective tissue, and nervous tissue. Organs Tissues in turn form organs of the body. Examples of body organs include the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, liver, pancreas, thymus, and thyroid. Organ Systems Organ systems are formed from groups of organs and tissues working in conjunction to perform necessary functions for the survival of the organism. Examples of organ systems include the circulatory system, digestive system, endocrine system, nervous system, lymphatic system, skeletal system, and reproductive system.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The Main Components of the EPA's Prescribed Waste Regulations Assignment
The Main Components of the EPA's Prescribed Waste Regulations - Assignment Example Batteries rules affect every person utilizing these commodities regardless of the level of use. The rules aim at regulating and making certain that the batteries are disposed of in environmentally friendly approaches. Biological diversity regulations offer conservation of natural diversity, sustainability and evenhanded distribution of resources. Wide life rules offer protection to all animals within the natural habitat regardless of their size and habitat. Forest acts offer protection towards conservation of forests. Merchant shipping rules offer to reduce waste that arises from ships within the coastal regions. The water acts offer protection to all water sources by preventing pollution. The air acts protect the ecosystem by curbing any possible air pollutions. The waste product is any redundant, cast off, dumped, unwarranted or excess material whether or not deliberated for trade or for recycling, reclamation, recuperation or decontamination by an independent process from that which created the material. Waste products can also be deemed to be everything affirmed by directive or environmental, safety guidelines to be waste, regardless of whether they are worthy or not. Waste products are any material regardless of the state in which it is liberated, emanated or accumulated in the surroundings, in volume component or manner that can cause a change in the environment. Waste products cause pollution in the case where they are poorly managed. Situational barriers hinder recyclers from creating effective recycling systems mainly due to deficiency of certain components that play a significant role. The deficiency is addressed at the level at which recycling occurs. At the lowest level, which is the home recycling, lack of materials such as numerous and large containers, little space to keep the wastes to be recycled, portable containers appreciably affects the establishment of effectual systems. At the higher-level, a low collection of waste from the local and municipal systems, hinder the firms that recycle from establishing an effectual system.
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