Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Collegeboard Essay Samples
Collegeboard Essay SamplesThe internet is a wonderful resource for finding collegeboard essay samples. You can find so many things that you can use in order to help you in writing your own collegeboard essay.If you are the one that will be writing this kind of essay, then you have to take your time and make sure that you pick your topics and write your essay properly. Writing an essay can be a bit stressful especially if you have no idea about the content of the topic. This means that you have to be prepared and that you have to use your brain while writing your collegeboard essay.Using the internet to find collegeboard essay samples can be a very good choice because it is an affordable way of reading different topics related to collegeboard essays. By using the internet, you can choose from all sorts of topics, some of which may be in English, and others may be in other languages. Once you choose your topics, you can use your imagination and write your essay according to what you ha ve chosen.The next thing that you need to do is to make sure that you use the research tools available on the internet. There are many research tools that you can use in order to help you in research. You can use them to find information that will help you in writing your essay. You can also use them to find resources for writing collegeboard essays and also use them to find the essay samples that you can use.The last thing that you need to do when it comes to writing collegeboard essay is to ensure that you are using all the resources that you can find. This means that you have to make sure that you search all the sites that you can find. This is the best way of ensuring that you are not wasting time when it comes to writing the essay.Writing an essay is not that hard if you know what you are writing about. Remember that you have to make sure that you use the research tools, the essay samples and also the free essay advice online. By doing these things, you will certainly be able t o create a great essay.The internet is a great resource for finding collegeboard essay samples. You can find so many things that you can use in order to help you in writing your own collegeboard essay. Make sure that you use all the resources that you can find online.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Cell Phone Overuse Or Addiction - 2080 Words
Ever since it was first introduced in the year 1973, the cell phone has evolved to become the device that holds the future within itself. Now referred to as the smartphone, the majority of the developing world’s population uses it now. It’s endless evolving functionalities, as apps and programs, are making the users see this piece of technology as a holy grail, but only much more accessible. Ever since its integration into our society, cell phones have given us the opportunity to connect to people at every inch of the world at anytime of the day. For ourselves, cell phones, particularly smartphones, have offered us an infinite amount of information all within the span of our hands. Its abilities outmatch even some desktops and laptops, all with the benefit of being mobile. The numbers of cellphone users have skyrocketed within recent years. With the growing number of cell phone users, the issue of cell phone overuse or addiction has been a question of much concern for p sychologists, sociologists, and scholars of education. In recent studies, cell phone addiction or nomophobia, a short term coined by UK Post Office for no-mobile-phone phobia†has been compared to other behavioral addictions such as gambling which are included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. Nomophobia has not made its entrance into the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual even though it has the symptoms that parallel those that behavioral addictions have. The reason this has not been placed into theShow MoreRelatedCell Phones And Its Impact On Society892 Words  | 4 Pagesproblem lurking beneath that shiny exterior. Cell phones have made a dramatic advancement from the bricks with antennas to the sleek touch screen that seems to occupy the hands of every teen and working adult. These smartphones act as a status symbol for what’s in style as well as who’s on top of the social pyramid regarding the large variety of social media that can be accessed thro ugh such a small device. The younger generations might argue that cell phones are absolutely necessary in today’s societyRead MoreEssay about Student Overuse of Smartphones 767 Words  | 4 Pagesthe devices in other unusual places†. One of the typical examples is the overuse of a smartphone can easily get one’s attention and be distracting. As a result of overuse smartphones, there is an increase in relational, educational, and health problems. As technology advances, more and more people view smartphones as something that they must have in their hand all the times. The overuse of smart phones has become an addiction. Suzanne Kane reports that a recent study found that, â€Å"72% of AmericansRead MoreEffects of Modern Technology852 Words  | 3 Pagestechnology has a negative or positive effect. Whether it is something you see on TV or in one’s own everyday life, it is more popular to see someone’s face focused on a phone screen rather than buried in a book. Over the past few decades, technology has been getting more popular as new developments arise. Not only are cell phones a main priority, but also computers, the internet and video games. Ever since the invention of the first programmable computer in the 1937 which was the size of an entireRead MoreCell Phone Addiction Essay1429 Words  | 6 PagesThe cell phone has become a centerpiece of everyday life as cell phones are evolving and have been in creasing their functionalities. Today, we use them today for many others reasons than what cell phones were originally designed to do. People are using them so often that they are becoming dependent on their phones that they have even become addicted to them. Those who are addicted to their cell phones struggle to stay away from them for a certain period of time and become so indulged in all of theRead MoreThe Problem with Cell Phones in Todays Society1390 Words  | 6 Pages11 Nov. 2014 Outline Thesis: The usage of cell phones in modern day society has caused quite the problem for citizens in this generation by being a major distraction, causing addictions, and has sadly became the main resource of communication. I. Introduction: What if every cell phone in the world crashed? How would society communicate? How would one know when someone’s birthday is without getting a notification for it? Some people wouldn’t even know when to get up each morning. Thirty yearsRead MoreApplication Of Mobile Phones : The Mobile Phone Amusement With The Fire Phone942 Words  | 4 Pagescellphones wasn’t that popular. That being said, everyone did not wait in line just to get the new Nokia phone. However, the world wasn t exactly prepared for the iPhone when it was divulged in 2007. The originator Steve Jobs dispatched the in with no reservations one advanced music player, camera (2MP!), and Internet-empowered PDA gadget, and the rest is history. Application empowered cell phones assumed control over the business sector after the arrival of the iPhone. Google s publicly releasedRead MoreTechnology And Its Effect On Society1396 Words  | 6 Pagesadvances and its overuse are redefini ng social interaction and the cultural fabric of society. Gradually, the overuse of internet and mobile technology seems to be destroying the significance of interactions we have with others, disengaging us from the people around us and leading to a sense of isolation in today’s society. A 2014 Nielsen survey found on average, Americans spend 60 hours a week consuming content across various digital devices (Nielsen). We now mostly communicate by phone calls, textingRead MoreMobile Phones : The Way We Communicate With Each Other880 Words  | 4 PagesPhones definitely change the way we communicate with each other. We have the freedom to call or text someone whenever we want to without anyone knowing. Yet, as cell phones evolve over the years the world wasn t exactly prepared for the iPhone when it was divulged in 2007. Creator Steve Jobs dispatched the in with the new advanced music player, camera (2MP!), and Internet-empowered PDA gadget, and the rest is history. Application empowered the iPhone and gain control over the business sector (PocketNow)Read MoreNegative Effects Of Digital Appliances1236 Words  | 5 Pagesprominent. Digital addiction and cyberbullying can lead to serious life-changing health issues. In our ever-growing technological world, more digital appliances are starting to have negative effects on consumers. Children that have lived with technology their whole lives are becoming more dependent and more fixated on their digital appliances than earlier generations. They are the first to have an anytime and anyplace kind of connection to technology. With the development of mobile phones, internet chatroomsRead MoreThe Effects Of Cell Phones On Society s Obsession Without Devices837 Words  | 4 PagesRecent studies suggest that cell phones have evolved into something more than a simple communication tool, gaining its own place in various aspects of social interaction. For instance, a qualitative study on Australian adolescents revealed that cell phones play an integral part in the lives of young Australians (Walsh, White, Ross, 2008). Some of the participants in the study reported very strong attachment to their cell phones; they felt as though their cell phones were part of them. Mozes introduced
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Biography of Louis Armstrong, Masterful Trumpeter
Louis Armstrong (August 4, 1901–July 6, 1971) was born into poverty at the turn of the 20th century but rose above his humble origins to become a masterful trumpet player and beloved entertainer. He played a key role in the development of one of the early 20th centurys most important new styles of music: jazz. Armstrongs inventiveness and improvisational techniques, along with his energetic, dazzling style have influenced generations of musicians. One of the first to perform scat-style singing, he is also well-known for his distinctive, gravelly singing voice. Armstrong wrote two autobiographies and appeared in more than 30 films. Fast Facts: Louis Armstrong Known For: World-famous trumpeter and entertainer; he was influential in the development of jazz and also appeared in more than 30 filmsAlso Known As: Satchmo, Ambassador SatchBorn: August 4, 1901 in New OrleansParents: Mary Ann, William ArmstrongDied: July 6, 1971 in New York CityTop Albums: Ella and Louis, New Orleans Nights, Satchmo Musical Autobiography, Under the Stars, Porgy and Bess, I’ve Got the World on a StringAwards and Honors: 1964 Grammy for Best Male Vocal Performance (Hello Dolly), Grammy Hall of Fame (various years), Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (inducted 2019)Spouses: Daisy Parker (m. 1918-1923), Lili Hardin Armstrong (m. 1924-1938), Alpha Smith (m. 1938-1942), Lucille Wilson (m. 1942-1971)Notable Quote: If you have to ask what jazz is, youll never know. Early Life Louis Armstrong was born in New Orleans on August 4, 1901, to 16-year-old Mary Ann Albert and her boyfriend Willie Armstrong. Only weeks after Louis birth, Willie left Mary Ann and Louis was placed in the care of his grandmother, Josephine Armstrong. Josephine brought in some money doing laundry for white families but struggled to keep food on the table. Young Louis had no toys, very few clothes, and went barefoot most of the time. Despite their hardships, Josephine made sure her grandson attended school and church. While Louis was living with his grandmother, his mother briefly reunited with Willie Armstrong and gave birth to a second child, Beatrice, in 1903. While Beatrice was still very young, Willie once again left Mary Ann. Four years later, when Armstrong was 6 years old, he moved back in with his mother, who was then living in a tough neighborhood called Storyville. It became Louis’ job to look after his sister. Working on the Streets By the age of 7, Armstrong was looking for work wherever he could find it. He sold newspapers and vegetables and made a little money singing on the street with a group of friends. Each group member had a nickname; Louis was Satchelmouth (later shortened to Satchmo), a reference to his wide grin. Armstrong saved up enough money to buy a used cornet (a brass musical instrument similar to a trumpet), which he taught himself to play. He quit school at age 11 to concentrate on earning money for his family. While performing on the street, Armstrong and his friends came into contact with local musicians, many of whom played in Storyville honky-tonks (bars with working-class patrons, often found in the South). Armstrong was befriended by one of the citys best-known trumpeters, Bunk Johnson, who taught him songs and new techniques and allowed Louis to sit in with him during performances in the honky-tonks. Armstrong managed to stay out of trouble until an incident on New Years Eve 1912 changed the course of his life. The Colored Waifs Home During a New Years Eve street celebration at the end of 1912, 11-year-old Louis fired a pistol into the air. He was hauled off to the police station and spent the night in a cell. The next morning, a judge sentenced him to the Colored Waifs Home for an unspecified period of time. The home, a reformatory for troubled black youths, was run by a former soldier, Captain Jones. Jones provided discipline as well as regular meals and daily classes, all of which had a positive effect on Armstrong. Eager to participate in the homes brass band, Armstrong was disappointed that he was not allowed to join right away. The band director surmised that a boy from Storyville who had fired a gun did not belong in his band. Armstrong proved the director wrong as he worked his way up the ranks. He first sang in the choir and later was assigned to play various instruments, eventually taking over the cornet. Having demonstrated his willingness to work hard and act responsibly, Louis was made the leader of the band. He reveled in this role. In 1914, after 18 months at the Colored Waifs Home, Armstrong returned home to his mother. Becoming a Musician Back home, Armstrong delivered coal during the day and spent his nights in local dance halls listening to music. He became friends with Joe King Oliver, a leading cornet player, and ran errands for him in return for cornet lessons. Armstrong learned quickly and began to develop his own style. He filled in for Oliver at gigs and gained further experience playing in parades and funeral marches. When the U.S. entered World War I in 1917, Armstrong was too young to participate, but the war did indirectly affect him. When several sailors stationed in New Orleans became victims of violent crime in the Storyville district, the secretary of the Navy shut down the district, including brothels and clubs. While a large number of New Orleans musicians moved north, many relocating to Chicago, Armstrong stayed and soon found himself in demand as a cornet player. By 1918, Armstrong had become well-known on the New Orleans music circuit, playing at numerous venues. That year, he met and married Daisy Parker, a prostitute who worked in one of the clubs he played in. Leaving New Orleans Impressed by Armstrongs natural talent, band conductor Fate Marable hired him to play in his riverboat band on excursions up and down the Mississippi River. Armstrong convinced Daisy that it was a good move for his career and she agreed to let him go. Armstrong played on the riverboats for three years. The discipline and high standards that he was held to made him a better musician; he also learned to read music for the first time. Yet, chafing under Marables strict rules, Armstrong grew restless. He yearned to strike out on his own and find his unique style. Armstrong quit the band in 1921 and returned to New Orleans. He and Daisy divorced that year. Earns a Reputation In 1922, a year after Armstrong quit the riverboats, King Oliver asked him to come to Chicago and join his Creole Jazz Band. Armstrong played the second coronet and was careful not to outshine bandleader Oliver. Through Oliver, Armstrong met the woman who became his second wife, Lil Hardin, who was a classically trained jazz pianist from Memphis. Lil recognized Armstrongs talent and thus urged him to break away from Olivers band. After two years with Oliver, Armstrong quit the band and took a new job with another Chicago band, this time as the first trumpet; however, he only stayed a few months. Armstrong moved to New York City in 1924 at the invitation of bandleader Fletcher Henderson. (Lil did not accompany him, preferring to stay at her job in Chicago.) The band played mostly live gigs but made recordings as well. They played backup for pioneering blues singers such as Ma Rainey and Bessie Smith, furthering Armstrongs growth as a performer. Just 14 months later, Armstrong moved back to Chicago at Lils urging; Lil believed that Henderson held back Armstrongs creativity. The Worlds Greatest Trumpet Player Lil helped to promote Armstrong in Chicago clubs and billing him as the worlds greatest trumpet player. She and Armstrong formed a studio band, called Louis Armstrong and His Hot Five. The group recorded several popular records, many of which featured Armstrongs raspy singing. On one of the most popular of the recordings, Heebie Jeebies, Armstrong spontaneously launched into scat-singing, in which the singer replaces the actual lyrics with nonsense syllables that often mimic the sounds made by instruments. Armstrong did not invent the singing style but helped to make it enormously popular. During this time, Armstrong permanently switched from cornet to trumpet, preferring the brighter sound of the trumpet to the more mellow cornet. The records gave Armstrong name recognition outside of Chicago. He returned to New York in 1929, but again, Lil did not want to leave Chicago. (They stayed married but lived apart for many years before divorcing in 1938.) In New York, Armstrong found a new venue for his talents; he was cast in a musical revue that featured the hit song Aint Misbehavin and Armstrongs accompanying trumpet solo. Armstrong displayed showmanship and charisma, gaining a greater following after the show. The Great Depression Because of the Great Depression, Armstrong, like many others, had trouble finding work. He decided to make a new start in Los Angeles, moving there in May 1930. Armstrong found work in clubs and continued to make records. He made his first film, Ex-Flame, appearing as himself in the movie in a small role. Armstrong gained more fans through this widespread exposure. After an arrest for marijuana possession in November 1930, Armstrong received a suspended sentence and returned to Chicago. He stayed afloat during the Depression, touring the U.S. and Europe from 1931 to 1935. Armstrong continued to tour throughout the 1930s and 1940s and appeared in a few more movies. He became well-known not only in the U.S. but in much of Europe as well, even playing a command performance for King George V of England in 1932. Big Changes In the late 1930s, band leaders such as Duke Ellington and Benny Goodman helped to propel jazz into the mainstream, ushering in the swing music era. The swing bands were large, consisting of about 15 musicians. Although Armstrong preferred working with smaller, more intimate ensembles, he formed a large band in order to capitalize on the swing movement. In 1938, Armstrong married longtime girlfriend Alpha Smith, but soon after the wedding he began seeing Lucille Wilson, a dancer from the Cotton Club. Marriage No. 3 ended in divorce in 1942 and Armstrong took Lucille as his fourth (and final) wife the same year. While Armstrong toured, often playing at military bases and army hospitals during World War II, Lucille found them a house in her hometown of Queens, New York. After years of traveling and staying in hotel rooms, Armstrong finally had a permanent home. Louis and the All-Stars In the late 1940s, large bands were falling out of favor, deemed too expensive to maintain. Armstrong formed a six-piece group called Louis Armstrong and the All-Stars. The group debuted at New Yorks Town Hall in 1947, playing New Orleans styled jazz to rave reviews. Not everyone enjoyed Armstrongs somewhat hammy brand of entertainment. Many from the younger generation considered him a relic of the Old South and found his mugging and eye-rolling racially offensive. He was not taken seriously by young up-and-coming jazz musicians. Armstrong, however, saw his role as more than that of a musician: he was an entertainer. Continued Success and Controversy Armstrong made 11 more movies in the 1950s. He toured Japan and Africa with the All-Stars and recorded his first singles. Armstrong faced criticism in 1957 for speaking out against racial discrimination during the episode in Little Rock, Arkansas, in which black students were heckled by whites while attempting to enter a newly integrated school. Some radio stations even refused to play his music. The controversy faded after President Dwight Eisenhower sent federal troops to Little Rock to facilitate integration. On tour in Italy in 1959, Armstrong suffered a massive heart attack. After a week in the hospital, he flew back home. Despite warnings from physicians, Armstrong returned to a busy schedule of live performances. Later Years and Death After playing five decades without a No. 1 song, Armstrong finally made it to the top of the charts in 1964 with Hello Dolly, the theme song for the Broadway play of the same name. The popular song knocked the Beatles from the top spot they had held for 14 consecutive weeks. By the late 1960s, Armstrong was still able to perform, despite kidney and heart problems. In the spring of 1971, he suffered another heart attack. Unable to recover, Armstrong died July 6, 1971, at age 69. More than 25,000 mourners visited the body of Louis Armstrong as it lay in state and his funeral was televised nationally. Sources ï » ¿Ã¢â‚¬Å"Louis Armstrong - Awards and Honors.† JazzSkool.org.Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. â€Å"Louis Armstrong.† Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, Inc., 14 Feb. 2019.â€Å"Bop to the Best of Louis Armstrong | UDiscover Music.† UDiscoverMusic.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cold Mountain/The Odyssey Comparison - 1237 Words
More than twenty-five hundred years ago a renowned epic of Greek mythology was written. This work, known as The Odyssey, illustrates the journey home made by Odysseus, a Trojan war hero, who seeks his wife Penelope. Similar in plot, though written only four years ago, Cold Mountain is a romantic saga which depicts the travels of Inman, a Confederate soldier, at his attempt to reunite with his love Ada. Homer s The Odyssey and Charles Frazier s Cold Mountain tell of the struggles faced by the man and woman of each novel s relationship. Although these works are written thousands of years apart, both incorporate one man s effort, after fighting war, to return to his love while encountering several obstacles that hinder and assist his†¦show more content†¦Not long after Inman leaves for Cold Mountain, three men by a store attack him. He defeats each of them and continues his trip, but the men follow him for a while later. Afterwards, Inman comes upon a man with whom he helps to pull a dead bull out of the water. This man, Junior, feeds him and is friendly until his wife begins to hit on Inman. When Junior catches them together, he becomes very angry. Inman is captured by guards and taken on a detour from his trip. During the remainder of his journey, Inman comes upon several different people. Many of them feed him and give him a place to sleep for one or more nights. Soon after, Inman meets up with Ada in a cabin on the mountain and spends some time with her. It is not until the final stretch home that Inman meets Teague, a horseman in the woods. Teague and his men cause problems for anyone who confronts them. Inman gets into a brawl with them and kills Teague. He could have easily killed the boy that was following Teague, but wanted to handle matters more civilly. Because Inman chooses not to hurt the boy, the boy shoots him, and he is never again to return to Ada. Though The Odyssey and Cold Mountain are similar in the concept of having one man overcome obstacles throughout his return home from war, these novels also have distinct differences. In The Odyssey, Odysseus is wealthy, well-known, and well-liked. He returns home as a war hero afterShow MoreRelatedThe Flight Of The Nez Perce And The Cheyenne Odyssey1496 Words  | 6 Pages The flight of the Nez Perce and the Cheyenne Odyssey/Exodus were two equally important parts of American Indian history. Nez Perce and the Northern Cheyenne shared a similar passion of wanting to be left alone in their lands but yet were forced off of them. Where they shared similarity they also had some differences in the specifics of their stories. 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On the first page of the Odyssey we learn that all his friends-in-arms had the fortune of returning home â€Å"while he alone still hungered for home and wife.â€Å" (The Odyssey by Homer, translated by Robert Fitzgerald; Book I, line 21-22). The originalRead MoreThe Odyssey And The Long Walk1857 Words  | 8 PagesDo Not Go Gentle â€Å"There is something in the human spirit that will survive and prevail, there is a tiny and brilliant light burning in the heart of man that will not go out no matter how dark the world becomes.†The Odyssey and The Long Walk both exemplify the characteristic of humanity which Leo Tolstoy was referring to within this quote. The main characters of both works, Odysseus and Slavomir, go on journeys that, while physically challenging, tests the strength of their will. The determinationRead MoreAnalysis Of Stanley Kubrick s The And The Post Strangelove Films4422 Words  | 18 Pages polar opposites but made up of the same spectrum. This duality of colour echoes the duality of man in Full Metal Jacket and 2001 and on a less obvious way his other films. Kubrick returned to color film stock for his masterpiece â€Å"2001: A Space Odyssey.†In the Hal 9000 computer room scene, Kubrick stages actor Keir Dulea (Dr. Dave Bowman) in an ominously red room. The actor’s face is lit with a blue-green light. This draws your eye naturally to his face. Kubrick’s groundbreaking film would heavilyRead MoreAnalysis Of Thomas Foster Chapter Notes2486 Words  | 10 Pagessacrificed on the cross for all man’s sin †¢ When a character has the same name as an individual or apostle in the Bible, the reader is encouraged to draw a comparison Chapter 7 Hanseldee and Greteldum †¢ Writers use elements from children’s literature to develop a sort of parallel or analogy system †¢ Instead of referencing titles like the Odyssey and the Illiad authors refrence more â€Å"well known†titles such as Sleeping Beauty or Snow White Chapter 8 It’s Greek to Me †¢ Again ancient communities andRead MoreFemale Sexual Expression : Mary Joyce s The Odyssey 2543 Words  | 11 Pagesmanifestations and characters. Joyce’s use of sexuality as a motif highlights the dichotomies of religion and sensuality, masculinity and femininity, and both challenges and undermines societal conventions. 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Analysis Of Sonia Nazario s Enrique s Journey
In Sonia Nazario’s book, Enrique’s Journey, Enrique rides on top of slow-moving railroad cars in hopes of reaching his mother, who left him at a very young age to find work in the United States. Most of the immigrants in the book are fleeing because they are trying to escape poverty, but it does not go into a lot of depth about how drug wars play a big role in immigration. The persistent violent behavior in Mexico executed by drug cartels, caused a generous amount of Mexican natives to flee to the United States looking for refuge. Even with the United States’ collaboration in Mexico’s government to crackdown on drug trafficking organizations, violence continues to rise. Not only does violence cause immigration, but the corruption of local†¦show more content†¦An author, Francisco E. Gonzalez, discussed one incident that took place, â€Å"A grenade attack on September 15, 2008, left eight dead and more than one hundred injured on the central squa re in Morelia (the capital of the state of Michoacà ¡n), on a night Mexicans were celebrating the 198th anniversary of their country’s independence.†(Gonzalez 72). This incident shows that safety is never guaranteed with the cartel’s violent and erratic behavior. Inhabitants are reluctant to go out because of a paranoid fear of becoming entangled in the crossfire. Individuals move their homes and businesses over the outskirts to bordering cities such as, Laredo, Texas, deserting their shops and diners behind them. Numerous inhabitants who remain have taken part in the crusade for peace, however with the rumors of citizens being shot if they had a peace sticker on their cars diminished their efforts. At the point when 68,000 unaccompanied minors, and a comparative number of moms going with kids, crossed into the U.S from Central America illicitly, but they simply do not vanish into the shadows. The majority of them handed themselves over to border authorities and request refuge or some other type of human assistance (TRAC). The savagery and terrorizing that accompanies the continuous drug cartel war drove most individuals from their homes. A portion of the brutality is impelled by warringShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Enrique s Journey, By So nia Nazario Essay1552 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"If you move, I’ll kill you. I’ll break you in two†(Nazario 87). Enrique’s Journey, a nonfiction book by Sonia Nazario, painstakingly follows the trek of a young teenage boy’s treacherous journey to the United States from Honduras. At the tender age of five, a horrified and confused Enrique watched his mother Lourdes walk away from him and onto El Norte, The North. Eleven years later Sonia Nazario, a project reporter for the Los Angeles Times, traces each bitter step of Enrique’s gruesome and longRead MoreEnrique s Ecological Analysis And Analysis1721 Words  | 7 PagesEnrique’s Ecological Analysis Shanell Bathersfield Our Lady of the Lake University Enrique’s Ecological Analysis Poverty can be defined as the condition where people basic need for shelter, food, and clothing are not being met. Whereas Jensen (2009 ) define poverty as a chronic and debilitating condition that results from multiple adverse synergistic risk factors and affect the mind, body and soul. Jensen (2009) has identified six types of poverty. The six types of poverty are situational, generationalRead More Rhetoric in the American Immigration Debate Essay1659 Words  | 7 Pagesdebate, US president Obama, journalist Sonia Nazario, and Arizona congressman J.D. Hayworth, we can evaluate the effectiveness of the different rhetorical approaches by whether or not they reach their intended audiences. Nazario fulfills her journalistic raison d’à ªtre by succeeding at objectivity, while Obama and Hayworth as politicians succeed by lying by omission in speeches and in writing in order to pursue policy goals and appease supporters. Sonia Nazario, herself an immigrant, was aware of
Social Media and social responsibility Essay Example For Students
Social Media and social responsibility Essay Connie ElmoreGEB2430Professor Richardson, Todd May 1, 2017Social Media and social responsibilityIntroductionThe most important consideration in social responsibility for anorganization is that it should not be executed on the basis of the views ofan individual, but it should be a reflection of the values as well asbeliefs of the owners and the shareholders. Engagement of stakeholdersplays a crucial role in the corporate social responsibility of theorganization as well as in the achievement of the triple bottom line(Gillenwater, 2008). Dialogue is very important in identifying theenvironmental as well as social issues that affect performance,accountability and enhancement of decision-making. The most importantconsideration for an organization is that business environment takesaccount of some crucial business strategies appraises in a continuousprocess which facilitates focusing on evaluation together with control ofbusiness through setting strategies as well as goals that should minim izecosts and ensure maximization of profits in the business (Gillenwater,2008). The use of social media to build social responsibility is animportant consideration in the success of the business. It is thereforeimportant for an organization to formulate strategies that are significantfor their business in minimizing organizational costs coupled with raisingthe margin of profits in their business. Overall theme of the topic, background and why is it importantThe use of social media plays a vital role in perfecting the socialresponsibility in an organization through building a defense shield(Gillenwater, 2008). This is particularly important during the times ofcrisis where the organization should embrace the responsibility of beingtransparent as well as open. Expeditious communication to the customers isa vital consideration in the social responsibility of the company(Gillenwater, 2008). The use of digital platform has been an effective wayof achieving such an objective in the organization, before the actualeruption of any crisis in the organization irrespective of its cause, theorganization must embrace the requisite mechanisms to cushion thestakeholders through leveraging the positive performance of the company(Gillenwater, 2008). It is important for the organization to build networksthat comprises the supporters over time, which must be aligned with thevalues as well as, the actions of the business that facilitate in theprotection of the business during crisis (Collis Jef, 2001). There arelimited and straightforward strategies that can be applied in social mediaby organizations that facilitate in highlighting the commitments of thebusiness to the social responsibility and aid in the building of the socialmedia in the organization. Transparency is an important consideration in the socialresponsibility program of the business and more so when a social networkingplatform is being harnessed. The online consumers are particularlyconfident and the must therefore be accorded open communication thatenhances the reputation of the business management (Collis Jef, 2001). Social responsibility at an organization must be able to position thebusiness in the existing environment. The use of social networkingplatforms in social media is crucial in shaping the social responsibilitystrategy in the organization. They describe the strategic positioning ofthe organization and the ethical reputation inherent in an organizationbusiness which in turn explains the perception of the society to anorganization and the willingness of an organization to interact with thecommunity. The most important consideration in social responsibility for anorganization is that it should not be executed on the basis of the views ofan individual but should be a reflection of the values as well as beliefsof the owners and the shareholders (Gillenwater, 2008). .u717515db2bfe9e28dcd0aa729c3badf4 , .u717515db2bfe9e28dcd0aa729c3badf4 .postImageUrl , .u717515db2bfe9e28dcd0aa729c3badf4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u717515db2bfe9e28dcd0aa729c3badf4 , .u717515db2bfe9e28dcd0aa729c3badf4:hover , .u717515db2bfe9e28dcd0aa729c3badf4:visited , .u717515db2bfe9e28dcd0aa729c3badf4:active { border:0!important; } .u717515db2bfe9e28dcd0aa729c3badf4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u717515db2bfe9e28dcd0aa729c3badf4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u717515db2bfe9e28dcd0aa729c3badf4:active , .u717515db2bfe9e28dcd0aa729c3badf4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u717515db2bfe9e28dcd0aa729c3badf4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u717515db2bfe9e28dcd0aa729c3badf4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u717515db2bfe9e28dcd0aa729c3badf4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u717515db2bfe9e28dcd0aa729c3badf4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u717515db2bfe9e28dcd0aa729c3badf4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u717515db2bfe9e28dcd0aa729c3badf4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u717515db2bfe9e28dcd0aa729c3badf4 .u717515db2bfe9e28dcd0aa729c3badf4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u717515db2bfe9e28dcd0aa729c3badf4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Parts Of The Brain And Their Function EssayFacts, differing views, and concernsThe social responsibility in a business organization can therefore besuccessful or a source of failure. The success of the social responsibilitydepends on their degree of expressing the behavior objectives. Goodbehaviors must be encouraged while the bad ones must be spelled out anddiscouraged. The mission of the business must be a reflection of the socialresponsibility (Schwartz, 2001). The failure of the social responsibilityin addressing the employees behaviors in the organization requires theaction of the management to correct what seems to go wrong (Stevens, 2008). They must ascertain that their goals are pragmatic because socialresponsibilities that aim too high are likely to fail. For example, in acommunity where corruption is endemic, a goal of ending the practice canonly mislead the administration in setting the agenda in the Socialresponsibility program (Schwartz, 2001). Feedback is an important actionfrom the management of the organization to make sure that the socialresponsibilities are successful. The business must consider the importance of social media in socialresponsibility in terms of helping the growth of the business. Some peoplemay argue that social responsibility should be contemplated from theperspective of marketing and PR but it is worth to appreciate thecontribution of social responsibility initiatives in the enhancement of thebrand image (Collis ; Jef, 2001). There is a strong interrelationshipbetween social responsibility and social media in the contemporarybusiness. In case the business is interested in an involvement with aparticular issue, leveraging on social media is a prudent consideration andlarge corporations have illustrated success in this development. An organization must also recognize the need for socialresponsibility as important innovation of the twenty-first century. Socialresponsibility is a crucial tool for an organization as it is able tofacilitate smarter, productive and faster performance of the workforce. This is the premise behind application of social responsibility at anorganization in the processes of organization and incentivizingcollaborative behaviors (Collis ; Jef, 2001). Consequently, the use ofsocial responsibility at an organization can lead to the transformation inthe approach of converting knowledge in to action (Collis ; Jef, 2001). An organization is likely to be empowered by social responsibility todiscuss issues related to their work hence making their work easier andsatisfying. An organization must therefore embrace social responsibility tofacilitate speedy solutions. An organization must adopt socialresponsibility strategies such social media thus making clients to becompany advocates in promoting company brand. What do you think is the right thing to do and whyAn organization must also appreciate the fact that, the business mustmake considerable strides in identification of the importance of issues ofsocial responsibility in the context of business (Collis ; Jef, 2001). Themanagement of an organization must be knowledgeable of the appropriatetheoretical frameworks that can fully explain the contribution of socialresponsibility in influencing the perception of clients in diverse aspectsin the mix of marketing communication. The social responsibility in business management must be able toposition the business in the existing environment (Collis ; Jef, 2001). Itdescribes the strategic positioning of the organization and the ethicalreputation inherent in an organization business which in turn explains theperception of the society to an organization and the willingness of anorganization to interact with the community (Collis ; Jef, 2001). The mostimportant consideration in social responsibility for an organization isthat it should not be executed on the basis of the views of an individualbut should be a reflection of the values as well as beliefs of the ownersand the shareholders. It is also the responsibility of the organization managers to take into account the issue of stakeholder strategies and organize them forseveral purposes. An organization must be in a position to communicate tothe primary stakeholders, and others that their support is necessary tosupport desired performance, they must tell them what specific actions areenvisioned, by which stakeholders, and when (Collis ; Jef, 2001). TheImportant stakeholders then review the proposed strategies to select thosemost appropriate and add other strategies that would be useful and make acommitment to act on those strategies at the right time. .u1c3b2ff6b7b40605edb45512d490053a , .u1c3b2ff6b7b40605edb45512d490053a .postImageUrl , .u1c3b2ff6b7b40605edb45512d490053a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1c3b2ff6b7b40605edb45512d490053a , .u1c3b2ff6b7b40605edb45512d490053a:hover , .u1c3b2ff6b7b40605edb45512d490053a:visited , .u1c3b2ff6b7b40605edb45512d490053a:active { border:0!important; } .u1c3b2ff6b7b40605edb45512d490053a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1c3b2ff6b7b40605edb45512d490053a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1c3b2ff6b7b40605edb45512d490053a:active , .u1c3b2ff6b7b40605edb45512d490053a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1c3b2ff6b7b40605edb45512d490053a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1c3b2ff6b7b40605edb45512d490053a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1c3b2ff6b7b40605edb45512d490053a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1c3b2ff6b7b40605edb45512d490053a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1c3b2ff6b7b40605edb45512d490053a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1c3b2ff6b7b40605edb45512d490053a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1c3b2ff6b7b40605edb45512d490053a .u1c3b2ff6b7b40605edb45512d490053a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1c3b2ff6b7b40605edb45512d490053a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Beatles to this day are one of the most famous Essay ReferencesCollis, B. ; Jef, M., (2001). Flexible learning in a digital world:experiences and expectations.London: Kogan Page. Gillenwater, P., (2008). Take your new team to the top. Journal ofAccountancy (March): 58-61. Schwartz, M., (2001). The Nature of the Relationship Between CorporateCodes of Ethics andBehaviour. Journal of Business Ethics 32 (3):247 262.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Marketing Strategies Engaging Digital Generation †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Marketing Strategies Engaging Digital Generation. Answer: Introduction This report demonstrates about the digital communications plan for Woolworths Limited. The digital communications plan is significant for the organization due to enhancing growth and market share in long-term. The digital communication plan is used to successfully implement the strategies, which makes by organization to accomplish the objectives and goal significantly. The main aim of digital communication plan is to aware a large number of customers regarding the goods and services of Woolworths Limited. At the same time, it can also be said that the digital communication plan is significant to directly communicate with customers and identify the actual needs or requirements of customers regarding the goods and services of company. It could be effective to easily enhance the market share and makes a strong relationship with consumers in long-run (Armstrong, et al., 2015). WL (Woolworths Limited) is Australian organization, which is the biggest supermarket series. It has more than 996 stores across the Australia along with 116,000 employees in stores, and delivery centers. It also helps the administrative department to fulfill the needs and expectations of customers regarding the goods and services. It gets 96% of fruits from the Australian farmers and 100% of meat also collect from the local farmers and growers that can be supportive to provide the fresh fruit and meat to the Australian. In addition, it is also addressed that Woolworths is generally known for the fulfillment of the needs of consumers. Therefore, company gives the preference to the needs and requirements of the consumers. Furthermore, consumers mainly consider two things such as unique product and easy ways to the workshop. Therefore, company has provided the Woolworths Supermarket App to their customer, which is supportive to get all required things on the kitchen stall (Woolworths Gr oup, 2017). Digital Communication Platforms (DCP) Woolworths has currently used some significant ways to digital communication for directly interact with potential customers. These are Blogs, online groups, twitter, Facebook, multimedia sharing, and social bookmarking. These are supportive to enhance the revenue of company because it creates a positive image in the customers mind. The following Platforms of Digital communication should use by Woolworths to interact with potential customers in less time: Woolworths can use many digital communication platforms for interacting with customers and enhance the number of customers, which can directly affect the growth and profitability of company in long-term. The digital communication tools are social media, email marketing, video hosting, programmatic marketing, customer services, SEO (search engine optimization), and website analytics. These tools play a significant role to increase the growth of company in an efficient manner (Blakeman, 2014). These are discussed below: Woolworths limited can use the social media which consider some significant types of apps to direct communicate with customers and identify their actual desires regarding the products and services of company. These are Facebook, LinkedIn Groups, Twitter, Tumbler, Instagram, Flicker, Blogs, and YouTube. At the same time, company can use such sources of social media and enhance awareness within the customers towards company product and services. Hence, company can collect perception, feedback, and views of customers regarding the substitute products. Additionally, company can also examine the experience and expectation of consumers towards the goods and services of company. Email marketing is also a second best source to make a direct link with the customers. Additionally, an organization can use the email marketing to send commercial information or message to specified and potential customers of the company. At the same time, it is also found that each message, which is sent by email denoted as email marketing in the organization (Chaffey, et al., 2013). Company can also use the Video hosting apps whereas it uploads video related to the product and services and attracts more customers in less time and cost. The company can also collect the feedback regarding the product and services to eliminate the quality issues of product in a significant manner. At the same time, it can also be said that through the video hosting company can also directly communicate with potential customers in less time and cost. Programmatic marketing The programmatic marketing becomes a significant way of a digital marketing tool for attracting more customers regarding the products and services of organization. An organization can use programmatic marketing because it is a process where the software automatically buys, place and optimize the media inventory through bid system. Therefore, it can be said that this process could be effective to get accurate outcome in specified time. Customers are a move towards the application of online source because of getting the products and services in less time and manage their busy schedule. Hence, a customer has needed to manage their issues regarding the online sources so company has offered the customers services to their potential customers. In additionally, Woolworths can use Zendesk, vice call service, and live chat to eliminate the issues of consumers significantly (Grunig, 2013). Search Engine Optimization is also a significant tool for organization it is because SEO is a best way to present the information regarding the product and services of company. Additionally, SEO includes some significant apps such as Moz, SEMRush, and Screaming Frog to present the Woolworths information on web page significantly. It supports to attract more customers in less time and minimum cost in an effective manner. Website analytics plays a vital role in an organization because this tool helps to successfully provide the information regarding the website, web visitor, and visitors expectation and behavior. It can be essential to improve the performance of website and rates of communication level in long-term. Therefore, it is addressed that this tool can be more affecting than other digital platforms (Holliman, and Rowley, 2014). The main aim of digital communication platforms is to increase revenue and profit of organization. This aim can be achieved by using the following objectives: To increase product and services awareness through digital communication platforms by 30% To enhance the number of existing and potential customers by 45% To decline the customer's issues regarding the product and services of company by 40% To increase the response towards customer services by 35% Target audience The target audiences are people who have requisite of company product and services and the target place where company can present their information about the goods and services. At the same time, it can also be said that if company can only focus on twitter then they waste their time together with in case company can only focus on email marketing then they can also waste its time. But, when company can use the combined of different online sources and present their product information, then they could achieve more success in less time and cost. It could also be beneficial to make a strong relationship together with affecting the market share of company in long-term. An organization can target the audience of social media, email marketing, video hosting, blogs, and web content. It could offer favorable outcome to the company in long-run (Jrvinen, and Karjaluoto, 2015). Woolworths has used different approaches for increasing the demand of customers in long term. These approaches are mak ing one team, decline cost refines procedure, and making an interconnected brand, refresh supplies, and update brand offering. The following approaches should use by Woolworths to enhance the number of customers in long term: Woolworths can use some significant kinds of approaches to increase revenue and profit in long-term. These are using a time stamp, socially tag individual, secret promotion by Instagram, and make a team to respond people on Facebook. Others are a promotion by twitter, make a community on Pinterest, and address company social media. These tools are discussed below: Live chat and hang out demonstrate the wonderful appeal and permit Woolworths to develop trust and make a positive relationship with potential or target customers in long-run. Woolworths can also use the time stamp to emphasize important secession. If company wants to make a robust relationship with consumers then it has needed to present their activity on more than two social sites. Since, it will enhance the visibility by wonderful presence of product and services information on more than one social media sites. It could increase the awareness regarding the company product and services between the potential customers. Further, Woolworths can also address those sites where people are more active due to easily interacting with consumers and make a strong and long-term relationship significantly (Karjaluoto, et al., 2015) Woolworths can use Instagram to contact with consumers and make a positive relationship. Additionally, company can use the option of direct messaging and send the secret message to their potential customers and makes long term and trustworthy relationship (Keegan, et al., 2015). Woolworths can make a group to respond their potential customers because it could be significant to attract more customers regarding the company products and services. At the same time, it can also be said that Woolworths limited react on each wall post of Facebook, and comments to develop a favorable relationship and gain company image in Australia together with across the nation. Twitter is also a best way to attract more customers towards the company in less time and cost for the long run. Additionally, Twitter is more innovative tool to present the company information and interact with customers successfully. It provides three kinds of twitter advertising option such as tweets, endorsed styles, and endorsed accounts. The company has paid to twitter in case people react on promotional message. Hence, it can be found that Woolworths can enhance the customers in minimum investment (Killian, and McManus, 2015). Makes group on Pinterest Pinterest becomes second largest way regarding the traffic of a website. It is a best way to easily gain the fans or consumers in long-term. Further, it can be said that company can make a community on Pinterest and interact with group members to attract people for making a strong relationship with consumers. There are many organizations who have not demonstrated the actual idea or information, which they want to present in front of potential and expected customers. Hence, it can create complexities to customers for getting actual information regarding product and services of the specified company. Additionally, Woolworths should always keep in the mind regarding such kind of mistake in order to make a favorable image in mind of consumers, which affects the market share and growth of company in long-term. Woolworths can use Fresh Food for Customers as content. It demonstrates that an organization has offered the fresh food to their customers, which emotionally connect consumers to the company for a long period. At the same time, it can also be said that it also supports to make a positive relationship with potential buyers. Moreover, the content of company can also influence customers in first impression because it demonstrates the preference of company about consumers. Therefore, an organization should make an influencing content for attracting more customers in less time and cost (Parente, et al., 2014). Timelines and Budget for project The time and budget for this project is relied on specified objectives and investment cost. Additionally, the total estimated budget for this project is $ 300,000 to obtain estimated return on investment of $552,000 during 90 days. The below table demonstrates budget and time to accomplish whole project together with considering each factor of digital marketing communication tools (Parente, et al., 2014). Table 1: Timelines and Budget for digital communication project Digital Communication Platforms Estimated Time Period (in days) Estimated Budget (in $) Social Media Platforms Facebook 7 50000 LinkedIn Groups 5 90000 Twitter, 7 11500 Tumbler, 5 13000 Instagram, 7 170000 Flicker 6 70000 Blogs 7 3000 YouTube 7 11000 Customer services Zendesk 5 9000 Voice call 3 10000 Live Chat 9 11000 Web Analytics 5 29000 SEO 7 70000 Programmatic Marketing 5 3000 Video Hosting 5 1500 Conclusion As per the above conclusion, it can be concluded that the digital communication platforms are an effective tool for organization due to attract more customers in less time and cost. At the same time, digital communication tool is also supportive to makes a favorable relationship with potential consumers in long-term. It is also examined that there are some significant types of tools which are considered in the digital communication platforms such as social media, and programming marketing. Others are search engine optimization, video hosting, web analytics, email marketing, and customer services. Finally, it can be summarized that company content has also significant for making strong relationship with the customers in long-term. Additionally, it can also be said that company content can be supportive to make an emotional connection with the consumer for long-period, which could be essential for enhancing the market share of the company in a significant manner. Recommendation Woolworths should utilize some significant strategies to significantly improve the digital communication. These are specifying the targeted audience, build the unique brand image, and enhance marketing channels. Further, these factors are discussed below: The company should identify or segment the audience to effective digital communication. Further, it can be said that an organization should classify their audience on behalf of a demographic factor because it could be essential for wonderful digital communication. Moreover, Age, Race, Sex, Traditional experience, Education, and Employment description are considered in the demographic factor. The company can also improve the digital communication by building a unique brand image and trust among the consumers regarding company brand. At the same time, the company can develop trust in the marketplace by offering transparency regarding product and services (Chaffey, et al., 2013). The company has needed to implement the multiple marketing strategy or channel to improve the digital communication in long-term. Additionally, application of email marketing and mobile is the cheapest and easiest sources to directly communicate with targeted customers. At the same time, it could also be supportive to improve the digital communication in a significant manner (Keegan, et al., 2015). 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