Saturday, August 31, 2019
Courage is not a lack of fear; it is doing something in spite of fear. This type of courage is exemplified in the book The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini when Amir Jan, the main character, risks his life for another. Amir truly reflects the qualities of a courageous person. One way Amir confronts his fears and acts courageously is when he puts his own life in danger to save the life of a child. He willingly disguises himself with a beard and travels to Afghanistan to free his best friend’s son from captivity.He knows upfront that if he is caught in a disguise, he will probably be executed, but he goes anyway. He stands up to the Taliban believing in his heart that it is the right thing to do. Another way Amir Jan shows bravery is when he starts arguing and making demands for the child’s release. He does this knowing that confrontation is not tolerated in Afghanistan. Making any type of demand almost always means death, but Amir refuses to back down. He perseveres knowin g he will probably lose his life.Some may not agree that Amir is really a hero because he spent most of his childhood hiding behind the courage of others. Although this is true, it has no bearing on whom he is as an adult. Most people would agree that a person should not be judged solely by his past failures, but rather on the strength of his developed character. Amir truly is a man of honorable character. He shows first hand how people can change when he stands up for what is right. Mankind needs to look at the good deeds that come out of past failures.Amir certainly has changed, and his actions reflect this change. He overcomes the fears and failures that haunt his past, and becomes a person of great courage, one who is truly respected because he is willing to do what others would not do. Thus, in the end Amir Jan shows who he really is. He is a brave, heroic character. He risks his life for the love of another human being, and he brings freedom to an innocent child. What a remark able feat! Thank God for the courage of Amir Jan!
Friday, August 30, 2019
The Screwtape Letters and Subjective Relativism
The Screwtape letters was written by C. S. Lewis in 1942. In this book, C. S. Lewis used 31 letters from a senior devil, Screwtape, to his nephew to describe how to corrupt a person’s soul. The most important idea is that when lower the standard of self-regulation step by step with subjective relativism, the self-regulation will be too low without any awareness, which means the victim does not even know his spirit was corrupted and he always think what he did is right. The key point is that subjective relativism, view that an action is morally right if a person approves of it, would be dangerous.When comparing this theory with the management environment in workplace, the situations are surprisingly similar. If a manager controls a big company or organization with subjective relativism-â€Å"all depends on the situation with settings†-the standard of the company or organization would be lowed step by step and finally out of control. As a result, managers don’t lik e a relativism management environment; they always use universalism or even absolutism to manage the systems. Subjective relativism is considered dangerous for a management system, and other people’s money, anonymity, and subjective relativism is a deadly combination.However, subjective relativism is not the core reason that makes the management system fail. Sometimes, it can benefit the management system. A New Examination of boiling frogs: we know where we are The boiling frog is a wide known story which is also very similar with the story of Screwtape. When putting a frog in a pot with boiling water in it, the frog will jump out of the pot immediately. However, when it was put in a pot of cold water and the pot was slowly heated, the frog would be boiled alive and die in the pot.However, this story is proved not true recently. According to Fast Company (2006), J. Debra Hofman did a new examination of the boiling frogs. â€Å"We placed Frog A into a pot of cold water and a pplied moderate heat. At 4. 20 seconds, it safely exited the pot with a leap of 24 centimeters. We then placed Frog B into a pot of lukewarm water and applied moderate heat. At 1. 57 seconds, it safely exited the pot with a leap of 57 centimeters. †Hofman commented, â€Å"The change myth assumes a very narrow view of people.If frogs can do it, people definitely can. †Just like the story of boiling frogs, the system doesn’t really out of control with subjective relativism. Relativism holds that there are no absolute moral principles, but the rules that truly guide them in each situation are to be â€Å"determined by their relation to something else: the willing of customs or culture of the group, or the desires of the workmates. †Gibb, J. R. (1991). Subjectivism means that â€Å"the sole source of knowledge or authority is in the perception of the individual. (Lisa Newton, 1995) When combining subjectivism and relativism, each person is his/her own auth ority in the business life, and is the source of his/her own guide. On this reasoning, each person has the right to decide on all matters of what is right and wrong. Subjective relativism can only lead people to do as they want, and the rules which guide them is depends on the environment, which means the relationships with others around them are the core reason why they change. For instance, in the story of Screwtape letters, the true way of corrupting a person’s soul is the so called â€Å"influence of others†, not subjective relativism.Self-awareness can’t be lowed, what is changing is relationship with others. According to subjective relativism, what's right for the employees may not be necessarily right for the company. However, the feeling of right or wrong is directly linked to the feeling of right or wrong from the group he/she lived in. As a result, when a manager is able to affect the employees by delivering his/her idea and value to the workplace (a g roup where employees are in), subjective relativism can benefit the company. Universalism vs.Relativism: Small business is perfectly fitful for relativism system Another quite different judgment system is universalism. Universalism and relativism are always compared in a national view point. â€Å"Universalism holds that more â€Å"primitive†cultures will eventually evolve to have the same system of law and rights as Western cultures. Cultural relativists hold an opposite, but similarly rigid viewpoint, that a traditional culture is unchangeable. In universalism, an individual is a social unit, possessing inalienable rights, and driven by the pursuit of self-interest.In the cultural relativist model, a community is the basic social unit. Concepts such as individualism, freedom of choice, and equality are absent. It is recognized that the community always comes first. †(Clemens N. Nathan, 2009) however, when talking about business systems, these concepts are a little b it different. Universalism refers to a system with â€Å"common rules with similar settings†, which means the system has the exactly same rules for all the employees. Looking at the top 100 multinational corporations, they are all using universalism. Universalism is needed today more than ever, especially in multinational corporations. â€Å"(David C. Wyld, 2011) As the world is becoming a smaller place because of globalization and Internet, universalism makes more sense in dealing with multinational issues. It can help the company to develop not only the standard of work environment, but also the reputation of the corporations. However, when focus on the most rapidly developing type of companies, small businesses, universalism seems too general and unfriendly to the employees. Even though subjective relativism has great problems and has a potential for abuse the employees, universalism in its current state is not the ideal solution†Wole Soyinka (2008). Subjective Rel ativism can help the employees to be more interested in the work and maximize the innovation of them. Besides, managers are able to control the company since it just have relatively small amount of employees that they won’t be abused. Subjective Relativism in New Economy The new economy is commonly believed to start from the late 1990s, as computer and Internet was developing worldwide. Companies in the new economy are heavily involved in the internet and biotech industries, but the ripple effects of new technologies has spread out to all other industries as well†(Investopedia,2012) The networked organizations need a different kind of control. Employees are highly empowered. They can get access to as many works and customers as they can. Besides, employees are highly educated today, sometime they have really good ideas about what companies should do to improve. In this way, managers should be more careful when controlling the management system, and common ru les with similar settings are not enough.Subjective relativism is more powerful in encouraging employees. The system gives the employees to be able to choose what they think is right to do, and the rules are relatively different but fit for each employee. â€Å"There is no logical connection between what you have a right to do and the right thing to do; but there is a psychological temptation to move from one to the other. Let's say that again: In logic, there is no connection between â€Å"You have the right to think what you like,†and â€Å"Anything you happen to like to think is right. You have the right, after all, to contradict yourself; you have all the right in the world to think that â€Å"2+2=5. †That doesn't make it correct. But psychologically, once you have told me that no one has the right to correct me when I claim certain sorts of opinions; you certainly seem to have told me that any such opinions are right, or at least as right as opinions can be. à ¢â‚¬ As Lisa Newton (1998) said, with subjective relativism, empowered employees are able to show their opinions and discuss those opinions together with out shame. Meanwhile, managers can communicate with his group much better and active.However, a big concern is that subjective relativism really has a potential for abuse the employees, so it would be a big challenge for managers to use this method. One suggestion is to combine the subjective relativism with universalism. That is, using the universalism in the company or corporation, but authorizes some division managers to use subjective relativism among the most excellent groups. In this way, companies can not only gain the benefit from universalism system, but also maximize the efficiency of the most excellent employees. References David C.Wyld(2011) Southeastern Louisiana University in Philosophy, March 17, 2011,Rethieved from: http://socyberty. com/philosophy/the-top-10-things-you-need-to-know-about-ethical-universalism-an-a nalysis-of-how-what-is-right-and-wrong-transcends-most-cultures-societies-and-religions/#ixzz2BNEPJbOP Fast Company (2006) Next Time, What Say We Boil a Consultant†. Fast Company Issue 01. October 1995. Retrieved from http://www. fastcompany. com/26455/next-time-what-say-we-boil-consultant Gibb, J. R. (1991) Trust: A New Vision of Human, Relationships for Business, Family and Personal Living. North Hollywood, CA: Newcastle Publishing Company. 991. Investopedia (2012) New Economy. Buzz Word-economy. Retrieved from: http://www. investopedia. com/terms/n/neweconomy. asp#ixzz2BMsc3J3c Lisa Newton (1998a) Subjective Relativism as a Challenge to Ethics. Doing Good and Avoiding Evil Part I. Principles and Reasoning Lisa Newton (1998b) Moral Commitments and the Discipline of Ethics. Doing Good and Avoiding Evil Part I. Principles and Reasoning Neumann Nathan (2009) the Changing Face of Religion and Human Rights by Clemens Wole Soyinka(2008) â€Å"The AVOIDABLE TRAP of CULTURAL RELATI VISM†, on the occasion of the second edition of the Geneva
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Job analysis on Priority Plastics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Job analysis on Priority Plastics - Case Study Example To achieve this goal, Priority Plastics, Inc. needs a job analysis plan. In essence, job analysis creates job descriptions that in turn define the duties and responsibilities of the employee. The realized job description also highlights qualification requirements desired by the employer, as well as how they relate or enhance job performance. The first step in Priority Plastics, Inc.’s plan is to determine the scope of its human resource needs. As the situation stands, the company needs to hire more employees, replace those who are leaving the company, and fill other vacant positions in other departments. In this respect, the scope is relatively wide because it covers other departments within the firm. The second step in the plan is to define the process and procedure of developing job descriptions. In this case, this effort will be an interdepartmental affair. The Human resource manager and the part-time HR Generalist need to consult with employees, supervisors, managers, and other stakeholders to determine the possible number of positions that need to be created in the company. Once this is determined, the plan goes to the next level. After consulting with key stakeholders about every aspect that relates to the company’s hiring needs, the next step is to undertake job audits. Job auditing evaluates the current human resource structuring to identify areas of success, failure, overlaps, or gaps in the human resource system (Robinson & Franklin, 2013). The primary goal of job audits is to match employees with what they are currently doing in the firm and determine areas of improvement in the next hiring cycle. In essence, the planned hiring should come in to make the company even more effective and efficient. Following job auditing, it will be clear which employees handle which tasks, and what duties or responsibilities should be directed towards new employees (Wilson, Bennett,
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Master Degree Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Master Degree Proposal - Essay Example All tourists visiting Egypt require passports and visas, except for Middle East countries. Tourists from Africa need to test for cholera and yellow fever . In order to understand Egypt’s government’s role in tourism, it is important to look at the political system, the visa requirement, and the restriction on area tourist can visit. The principles of constitutionalism which is popular sovereignty, limited government, separation of powers, checks and balances, fundamental rights has not been strictly followed in case of Egypt. The rule in Egypt has not been â€Å"popular†sovereignty rule. The president was not elected democratically. Since the government was not socially elected therefore â€Å"limited†government does no have any meaning. The separation of powers was selectively done. As far as fundamental rights are concerned it was seldom followed. The Great Pyramid of Giza, build 4000 years ago, Great Sphinx, the largest statue of couchant sphinx are the main attractions for tourists in Giza. Mount Sinai in Sinai Peninsula attracts tourists for its coral reefs and biblical history. Luxor, city of ancient site of Thebes houses the world’s greatest open air museum. Saqqara complex, an ancient burial ground has numerous pyramids and mastabas. Egypt is considered an unsafe country due to various wars in the area. Thus the Government is playing an active role to bring back the positive perceptions about the country. Tourism sector of Egypt has always been a stronghold of the Government with involvement of the private sector. After the revolution in 1952 the Egyptian tourism industry was nationalized and the largest private hotels were expropriated (Richter & Steiner 2007). Small sectors were in the hands of the private sector. The largest hotels existing then were handed over to international hotel chains like Hilton and Shearaton. During 1967 the Ministry of Tourism was established to administer the tourism sector of the eco nomy. In 1971, there was introduction of free zones, giving public ventures to collaborate with the foreign investors (Ibrahim 2009). President Anwar Sadat’s Open Door Policy thereafter led the Government to feel that tourism could lead to economic prosperity of the nation. The structural change in the tourism sector can be attributed to the pro liberalization Minister of Tourism of 1980, Faud Sultan. He opened up the tourism sector to foreign funds, which infused fresh blood to the poorly performing hotels. The first wave did not create much impact; however a second wave of liberalization happened in the late 1980’s. New airline rules allowed charter flights to land directly in tourist areas. This led to a surge in demand from earlier times. During 1985 the Egyptian Government faced balance of payments crisis. To improve the economy’s position the Government received exclusive planning responsibility for tourism development and was granted the power to coordina te the provision of infrastructure in all areas designated for tourism development by the Prime Ministerial decree No. 993 of 1988 (Richter & Steiner, 2007). The liberalization led to lot of investment by the private sector on tourism and by 1993, major proportion of investment was from the private sector (Gray 1998). Law No. 230 of 1989, reshaped the legal and institutional environment for the tourism sector. This law guarantees that private companies can secure operating licenses. Capital investment in desert areas was given tax exemption for a
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Business report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Business report - Essay Example Amazingly, even if the processing industries die out, packaging will not follow the same suit because there are products which need packaging in their raw state. This aspect sets a clear detachment of packaging from the manufacturing. Manufacturing only accentuates the packaging industry operations. Packaging is itself a wide and complex industry. It takes different forms. This is because products to be packaged are different. For this reason, you find that the industry is as diverse as the products to be packaged. Liquids cannot be packaged the same way solids like biscuits are packaged. The magnitude of the product to be packaged is also considered when it comes to packaging. As the cost of packaging trickles down to the cost of producing the entire product, then size is a key feature which if ignored it would result to unknown costing mistakes. This report presents a detailed business report on a plastic bottle manufacture. Bottling is a giant industry. Basically, many liquid proc essors have often opted for bottling to package their output. The convenience which comes with bottling lacks an equivalent. Plastic bottling is accommodative to many forms of liquids and hence many manufacturers result to it. Any investor who wants to invest in the most dynamic industry then needs to embrace plastic bottle packaging industry. It is a sector where the rate of return is high and risks involved are minimal. Actually it is the only industry which violates the principles of investment of the higher the risk the higher the profit. The report analyses possibility of entrance into the market. It gives details of the market analysis and its interpretations. All costs involved have been analyzed. These costs include the Fixed and variable costs. Budgeting is a key element in the financial management of any organization and this report includes a budgetary estimate which comes with production of these plastic bottles. The stocking aspects have been taken into account also to ensure that the best policy is adopted in the implementation of plastic bottles production. Production of these bottles call for technical inputs. This report presents a link between the manufacturing principles and how the actual production is carried out. Some of the aspects captured in this report are the jobbing, designs and how quality and continuous improvement are sustained. In addition, there is some focus in to the way models are produced and justified for use in the final product production. It is a report which upon the implementation of the recommendations suggested bottling will be turned into a multibillion making industry. Bottling is added value by inclusion of the modern technology in the production. The world is going green and the bottling industry has to follow the suit. For this course, the production will concentrate on production of biodegradable plastic. This implies that there has to be specialties in the making of the bottles and it is these specialties tha t are making these bottles unique from what has been there previously in the market. Market Analysis for the
Monday, August 26, 2019
Marketing Degree Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words
Marketing Degree - Essay Example Marketing revolves around the entire business. The marketing penetrates in all areas of the business. All the business activities from purchases t till display all revolves around marketing. Marketing as a philosophy revolves around customer satisfaction and it do not focus on earning the profits. It can be done for social welfare. It can be done for customer orientation. The philosophy is to meet and satisfy the desires of the customers. However the marketing as a set of business activities is totally different concept. It basic aim is to earn profit. Though the marketing manager in any enterprise focus on customer's needs and desires but their aim is to earn profit and they were not doing marketing for social or charitable purpose. So marketing is also a philosophy to satisfy the customer's desires simultaneously it is a set of business activities to earn profit. And in this way both these terms are related to each other. In this ever changing and fast moving business world, the socially conscious customers are now become a challenge for the business enterprenurers. The social awareness of the consumer brings many opportunities and threats for the enterprises. ... They have to look for the brands which are on top, commodities which are in fashion and which gives them a nice and trendy look. No matter the consumer is buying clothes or accessories or house hold items. Except groceries and necessities the consumer is going trend conscious. This brings lots of new opportunities for the entrepreneurs. Now they focus more on producing trendy and in fashion products for the consumers. For this they have to work aggressively on their markets strategies. Further more the managers has to work hard to market their products as now the consumer focus on every little detail the company is offering in its product. The consumer looks at the design, availability, price, trends of the products. However it opens the doors for service industry as many people are offering their service to literate people about the trends in the market. This business is boosting up rapidly. In short, the socially conscious consumers is aware of his social values and now focus more on it while purchasing any product which brings many opportunities and threats for many businesses. 3. What are the differences between organizational buying behaviour and consumer buying behaviour (Jobber & Fahy, Ch. 3, P. 76, Study question 1) The consumer buying behavior is relatively a narrow terms. It describes the buying behavior of any consumer. In buying any product or service, the consumer prefers his need and choice. The quantity is small and can be purchased from any shop. However organization buying behavior is broader term. It focuses upon the need of the organization. It evolves a deep and thorough analysis of the product or service needs to be purchased. Organization purchases include high complex
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Public Policy Formation and Analysis Assignment - 2
Public Policy Formation and Analysis - Assignment Example According to Lindblom in 1959 stated that there are certain identifiable barriers to significant Policy Change. For purposes of clarity and professionalism, I will both paraphrase and project these barriers in the way that will benefit a layman. The barriers are due to the fact that the process of making/formulating policies is tough. Neither social scientist, politicians nor even public administrators know everything about the social world we inhabit, so much as to avoid making mistakes/errors in predicting the accuracy or consequences of policy moves. This is the major barrier. (79-88) Thus, the only wisdom that is inherent in policy making, therefore, involves achieving in small parts so as to avoid huge mistakes. Because mistakes in policy decisions are another barrier. So by utilizing the incremental method especially in the areas of Budgeting, the administrator can always adjust/review those policies knowing that the solution lies in gradual steps. Another barrier to policy change is the fact that successful policy changes could only be achieved in steps. If one step fails, the entire process is taken back and the policy is rejected by the public and society, but the successful completion and execution of the first step will quickly lead to a second step. This is usually practiced in democratic Nations like the USA. (86) Thus for significant policy change to occur, a few aspects of the process must be considered and sorted out i.e there must be a level of comprehensiveness in the policy so as to accommodate various agencies, policy change must have a degree of relevance and realism as is practised in Democratic states and there must be continuous comparisons which are typical of the branch method. Also, a line of compromise must be attained between the theorist and practitioners. Multiple Streams according to Zahariadis is a lens or approach that explains how policies are made. This theory was propounded by Kingdon in 1995 and has become a widely speculated formulation policy framework worthy of discussion. This framework deals with agenda setting and alternative speculation.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
He impact of IT in branding for the teenage market Research Paper
He impact of IT in branding for the teenage market - Research Paper Example Branding is considered as one of the hottest topics in the business field as its overall attraction and significance has become more important in the recent past. With the rise of the web and other I.T. technologies, the need to have effective branding strategy has became more significant because of the speed with which information is provided to the consumers. Over the period of time, organizations have used branding as one of the important strategic tools to improve and consolidate their relationships with the customers. However, more importantly, branding has provided the organizations a strong chance to further penetrate into their chosen target markets. The strategic use of branding therefore is considered as one of the key strategic variables for organizations to manage and control effectively. Organizations which are better at managing and executing a well crafted branding strategy are more successful as compared to the firms which fail to realize their true potential and positively use the power of their brands for achieving the competitive advantage. The emergence of globalization and the spread of Western values and culture over the different geographical regions therefore suggest that the branding can be effectively used to achieve the necessary competitive advantage in really fluid global market. One of the important and emerging themes regarding the impact of IT in branding is the ease with which marketers can actually communicate with their customers. The advent of the different digital media and the spread of internet have allowed brand managers to improve the coordination between the customers and the organization itself and hence the brands are getting better exposure to the same.( Davey, 2010). Some studies suggested that the use of information technology in the product marketing and branding has resulted into the savings of time as well as reduction in the error.
Friday, August 23, 2019
ART Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 9
ART - Essay Example Foster, Krauss, Bois, and Buchloh focuses on a crucial eventâ€â€how the seminal work is created, how the artistic manifesto is published and the opening of a major exhibition; this crucial event tells us the story of enchanting diversity of practice and interpretation that characterizes the art of the twentieth century. Nevertheless, they made a point to explain in detail all the turning points and breakthroughs of modernism and postmodernism. 1. Modernism is generally an artistic approach, which dominated the European and American art and literature in the Twentieth Century. The key features of modernism are thought to be the principles of formalism and the autonomy of art. 3. The third aspect is the concept of the avant-garde, which challenges the dominant artistic culture. Often referred to as "inner logic of modernism", this critical force makes the art move forward towards Postmodernism. Characterized as a critique of Modernism and the project of modernity, Postmodernism is best understood as a part of a cultural shift which has been felt in science, philosophy, and the arts. Culture is seen by others (e.g. Jean Baudrillard) as an endless play of imitation (simulation) which signals the end of authenticity and reality and the emergence of "hyperreality" (Baudrillard 1049-50) 2. Interventionist is when the artist becomes a manipulator of signs rather than a producer of Art. The viewer becomes "an active reader of messages rather than a passive contemplator of the aesthetic"(Foster 1066). This form of Art is described as "a social sign entangled with other signs in systems productive of value, power and prestige" (Foster 1066) This critique of Modernity often takes the form of a challenge to the norms and values of western culture as a whole. But this critique is losing its popularity. If we still don’t have an answer to Hal Foster’s 1996 question, â€Å"Whatever Happened to
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